3 Ways to Boost Business Website Security and Attract Customers

Website Security

The reason why knowing that your business’ website is secure makes it easier to attract customers is simple. Cybercrime is a real threat that costs Internet users millions of dollars (Statista). In fact, it’s estimated that cybercriminals will make $1.5 trillion off their illegal ‘business’ in 2018. You should give your customers some proof that they don’t unwittingly contribute to that pool by dealing with your business. Doing this will have the side benefit of attracting more customers because people today are well aware of cyber threats. This means that you need to advertise the information about your cybersecurity cleverly.

Website SecurityWebsite Security

How to Make Your Business Website Secure and Tell Everyone About It


1. HTTPS or No Website at All

That’s the basic web security policy for any business today. Getting an SSL certificate today isn’t optional because, without it, your website will be flagged as dangerous. On the other hand, when your website is protected with this basic security feature, it instantly becomes more trustworthy, because Google Chrome browser marks it as secure.

Getting an SSL certificate is very easy for a business today. This won’t even cost you much, or at all because you can find a reliable hosting provider that offers SSL for free. Be sure to always check for this offer as well as other security features included in the hosting service package. When purchased separately, these things can become expensive. Getting them from your host will not only be cheaper but also more efficient as you can be sure there will be no conflicts between third-party services.

2. Make Every Visitor Aware Of Your Privacy Policy

Displaying a link to the Privacy Policy page on every page of your website is a must. In fact, you should consider setting it up so every new visitor to your website gets transferred there eventually. It’s an actual legal requirement to make sure that every visitor studies your privacy policy and agrees to it before they share any private information. Be sure to program this into your website design.

Despite the necessity of it, the majority of people never bother to study the Privacy Policy in its entirety because it’s long and complex and full of legal terms. Therefore, you should simplify it to the basics and include that information in your online marketing campaign. Add a bullet point or two to the lists of your business’s advantages that highlight how seriously you take cybersecurity. You should also explain how exactly you can use the customer’s data and reassure them that it will never be shared with any third party.

3. Display Website Security Certificates Proudly

An SSL certificate is mandatory today, but there are other types of website security certificates that add more layers of protection. You should get as many of them as you can and display them all proudly at the bottom of the page.

Check out the official guide on security certificates to determine which your business needs. Aside from displaying the certificates at the bottom of every page, you should provide their detailed descriptions. You also shouldn’t forget to include the information that you got certified by reputed authorities into your marketing package. Getting an extra boost of recognition and trust due to citing a reputed name is exactly what you need to make customers feel more secure. Including this info in some of your ads will definitely help generate more traffic.

Categories: Business
Pablo Luna:
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