7 Result-oriented Strategies that Ensure Strong ROI from Email Marketing

7 Result-oriented Strategies that Ensure Strong ROI from Email Marketing

It is safe to say that email is one of the most powerful mediums in the marketing world. After all, it makes it possible for business owners to reach their customers personally, which helps them move further down the sales funnel. If we talk about ROI, email marketing brings in exceptional revenues and profits. That being said, to reap these results, you need to employ bulletproof strategies. This article takes you through the top 7 actionable strategies that will give you remarkable results from email marketing.

7 Result-oriented Strategies that Ensure Strong ROI from Email Marketing7 Result-oriented Strategies that Ensure Strong ROI from Email Marketing

Creating Buyer Personas

Creating a successful email marketing strategy is essential to create buyer persona for each of your clients. First, you need to know who your target customer is to send them personalized and relatable content. Once you have created these buyer personas, you can design appropriate email marketing campaigns centered on those personas. These campaigns will resonate with the audience and will push them to act further. It has been noticed that companies that use targeted content outperform their competitors when it comes to sales. But, again, you need to know who you are talking to and their specific needs.

Surveying your Engaged Subscribers

Taking a thorough look at some of your most engaged customers might be an excellent idea. You can reach out to them asking about their goals, their pain points, and how their overall experience has been with your organization. With all the collected information, you can map out their buyer journey to include data on how they make their decisions and what challenges they face. You will also find out about the best ways to reach them both online so that you can create segment-relevant email marketing strategies.

Segmenting your Campaign

Segmentation and personalization often go hand in hand. First off, begin with segmenting your subscribers based on their demographics, location, buying history, engagement rate, etc. the next step is to send targeted and relevant content that they connect with. The idea is to personalize these emails based on the segments you have created. Ensure that the content you are sending their way is something that the reader cares about, or simply put, isn’t generically reminiscent of a bulk email. Segmentation is a foolproof way to garner more revenue, as pointed out by research.

Using User-Generated Content

There is no denying the power of user-generated content. Your followers feel better to see themselves in your campaign, and the other subscribers will get more engaged to experience content from users like them. Take notice of the user content on your social media pages which can then be repurposed and plugged into your email marketing campaign. This approach is valid after taking the consent of that particular user. Many third-party companies offer top-notch ​​email deliverability services if you want to take that route.

Adding Value

Using emails to sell to your customers is not going to help anyone. A good rule of thumb is to follow three value emails with one sales email to your customers. No one likes to be sold to, and it is better to send value emails to coax the reader gently towards conversion. Value emails typically contain information that the reader can use despite not making a purchase. If a subscriber does not find any appeal or value in your sending content, they will take no time to hit the unsubscribe button. Try including case studies, success stories, testimonials, solutions to problems, coupon codes, vouchers, etc., in your emails for a varied, m0re readable experience.

Asking for Feedback

Feedback is a vital step in the process because it gives business owners a chance to reflect on the challenges faced by their clients, their perspectives, and their wants. Start by requesting reviews and seek out customers for focus groups. Simply asking is not enough. Prioritize the customers that you want their feedback on. This factor can be based on their purchases, participation in events, engagement levels, subscription duration, etc. incentivizing people to submit their feedback is one of the easiest ways to go about it. Make it clear to them that you are looking for their genuine review and not just positive ones.

Re-Engaging Inactive Customers

Think of your inactive customers as goldmines or untapped resources. You need to follow up with them and find effective ways to win them back. These inactive customers are already well-versed with your platform and have been inactive for some particular reason. Find out their reason either by reaching out to them or running the metrics and finding a viable solution for their challenges.

The strategies mentioned above can ensure a solid and robust ROI from email marketing regularly. The procedures ensure that there is a strong connection with the audience along with consistent follow-up.

Categories: Business
Pablo Luna:
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