Apple Inc (NASDAQ: AAPL), the most valuable brand in the whole world, has published its 2015 inclusion and diversity report. The company said that inclusion is part of its philosophy, however, analysts have explained that the percentages of white men employees are the same as last year. That being said, slightly more African-American, Hispanics and women were employed by the tech maker in 2015.
Last year, it was calculated by Fortune, that Apple’s market price reached the amount of more than $733 billion. People would think that a company with that value should have thousands of employees. That being said, the iPod creator employed about 72,495 people in 2015, including executives, designers, researchers, craft workers and technicians.

According to the new report, 69 percent of all employees are male. The percentage of females increased by one percent when comparing it to the 30 percent registered in 2014. From all workers, 54 percent are white, 18 percent are Asian, 11.7 percent are Hispanic and 8.6 percent are African-American.
“We want every person who joins our team, every customer visiting our stores or calling for support to feel welcome. We believe in equality for everyone, regardless of race, age, gender, gender identity, ethnicity, religion, or sexual orientation. That applies throughout our company, around the world with no exception,” wrote Tim Cook, CEO of Apple, in a letter.
According to the Center for American Progress, from approximately 155 million people who are employed in the U.S., 16 percent are Hispanic, 12 percent are African-American and 5 percent are Asian. However, it is calculated that by 2050 there will be no racial majorities in the nation. Right now, women represent 47 percent of all labor force in the U.S., and it is expected that the numbers will be increased by 2020 since the rate of unemployed women is lower that the rate of men, explained the organization.
Last year, Tim Cook remarked that diversity was critical to innovation and essential to the future of Apple. In October, he was recognized by the Human Rights Campaign, an organization that supports LGBT rights, for being a positive role model. In that moment, Cook said that people needed to hear that being gay does not give them limitations in life and added that Apple embraces creativity regardless of the differences in people.
On Monday this week, Apple featured Martin Luther King, Jr. Day in the cover of its website and quoted the famous phrase “What are you doing for others?” Critics have stated that the company is making advertising related to world’s diversity, because the percentages of diversity among employees have not changed so much when comparing them to 2014.
“Some people will read this page and see our progress. Others will recognize how much farther we have to go. We see both. And more important than these statistics, we see tens of thousands of Apple employees all over the world, speaking dozens of languages, working together. We celebrate their differences and the many benefits we and our customers enjoy as a result,” said Tim Cook.
Source: Federal Employer Information Report
There are FEWER women than men! Jeez Louise.