Daniel Francis

Guitarist, destroyer of worlds. Columnist at Ultimate-Guitar.com

Daniel Francis on 03rd May

Through its Vital Signs report, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) argued that although most kids that...

Daniel Francis on 03rd May

Simeone’s Atletico Madrid reaches the finals for the second time in three years in spite of a 2-1 defeat against the...

Daniel Francis on 03rd May

The first time tax money will be used to relocate refugees within the U.S. will go towards the residents of the Isle de Jean...

Daniel Francis on 03rd May

Syosset, Long Island – Local police in Syosset received an emergency call at 3:45 pm reporting a small plane crashing...

Daniel Francis on 30th Apr

According to the Securities and Exchange Commission, Yahoo CEO Marissa Mayer received a cut of 15 percent on her compensation,...

Daniel Francis on 30th Apr

Dynel Lane, 36, was sentenced to 100 years in prison after attempting to rob a woman of her unborn 8-month baby. Lane was...

Daniel Francis on 30th Apr

A video was posted featuring Prince Harry and Queen Elizabeth of the United Kingdom where they received a message coming...

Daniel Francis on 30th Apr

BeatBot is “a programmable, self-driving, line-following robot” that is able to reach blazing speeds while also...

Daniel Francis on 29th Apr

At first, it was available as a feature where only people who reached a certain level on Maps as Local Guides explorers,...

Daniel Francis on 29th Apr

5th grader Chris Ward Jr., 12, was finally able to see his mother thanks to digital glasses featured by eSight technology. As...