Pablo Luna

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Have You Measured The ‘Soft’ ROI Benefits of Expanded Cloud Utilization?
Pablo Luna on 27th May

Although the benefits of comprehensive Cloud utilization seem undeniable, many corporate decision-makers are staring at racks...

Perfume trends to look out for this summer
Pablo Luna on 25th May

The world of fragrance can be as prone to the vagaries of changing fashion as clothes and makeup. And like these, some trends...

Churches Defy Governors to Reopen Churches Because President Trump Told Them to Do So
Pablo Luna on 24th May

Several pastors across the United States are gearing up to reopen their churches for in-person services because President...

5 Ways that AI is Changing the Healthcare Industry
Pablo Luna on 24th May

AI is changing the world in many different ways, and you can see its growing impact in a variety of industries. Foremost...

Top Health Experts Say Moderna Coronavirus Vaccine Could Be Ready within Months
Pablo Luna on 23rd May

Dr. Anthony Fauci, leader of the White House coronavirus response team and head of the National Institute of Allergy and...

Pleasant Flavor & Strong Effects – Benefits You May Experience with CBD Oil
Pablo Luna on 22nd May

Cannabidiol is a natural component of the Cannabis Sativa plant. CBD is a non-psychoactive compound, and it’s scientifically...

Despite Warnings, President Trump Goes without Mask in a Michigan Ford Plant Like a “Petulant Child”
Pablo Luna on 22nd May

Michigan state attorney general, Dana Nessel, has described President Donald Trump as a “petulant child” for his refusal...

5 Ways to Keep Your Children Safe This Summer
Pablo Luna on 22nd May

Family vacations, a break from school, and time to play outside or beat that video game—what more could a kid ask for than...

A Guide to Organic Cotton Face Masks and Organic Cotton Face Masks with Filter
Pablo Luna on 21st May

The recent COVID-19 pandemic has led to a great deal of changes in everyday life, one of which has been the use of cotton...

6 Tips for Creating Your Online Presentation with Google Slides
Pablo Luna on 20th May

When it comes to creating real-time presentations for personal and professional use, Google Slides has quickly emerged as...