Nothing compares with a Pink Moon to close the celebration Earth day and finish off strong. This day our planet is the main protagonist, as it should be most of the days. But also the Moon. Specially Full Moon. This phenomenon is enjoyed by people all over the world as it shows the Moon with a pink reflection due to the bounce of light shed by the sun.
What about Pink Moon or Mini Moon?
What is a mini moon exactly? According to scientists, the mini moon is the result of new moon or full moon approaching his apogee. It is also known as Apogee Moon. It means that the moon and Earth are farthest apart, therefore giving the natural satellite its pink appearance. This is the reason for which the moon looks smaller than it really is. And it is very interesting to realize that this kind of moon is neither pink nor smaller. Is only the same moon just further away.

Since many years ago, the full moon have received original nicknames like Full Fish Moon, Pink moon, Egg moon, the grass moon and others. This is because in some cultures the names coincided with the season of the year. Native Americans use to give moon different denominations depending on the time of year. In this opportunity, the Pink Moon name coincides with the annual blooming of pink phlox, one of spring’s first flowers.
Full moons that occur at other times of year get their special name like May’s full moon that is called the full flower moon, coming at a time of warm temperatures and sunny days. June’s full moon is called the full strawberry moon, because of that month’s fresh berry harvests.
Full moons are visible for us or about three days. During these three days, it is possible to see much more light that the usual. Compared to a supermoon, when the moon is nearest to the earth, the mini moon will be 14 per cent smaller in size.
The next appointment
If anyone missed the opportunity to enjoy this moment, the phenomenon is available on a livestream filmed by the Institute of Astrophysics of the Canary Islands, from 8 p.m. to 8:45 p.m. on Thursday night. Enthusiasts of these sort of events can also watch the full moon webcast on The next ‘Mini Moon’ phenomenon will take place on December 10, 2030. Making it a rare sight for people across the world to behold.
Source: Bustle
Celebrate Earth Day–Lenin’s Birthday.