Islamabad, Pakistan – BlackBerry decided to continue its operations in Pakistan, which was programmed to stop since December 30. The decision was taken after the government dropped a request for access to users’ private data.
Earlier this year the company announced it would stop operations in Pakistan as it refused to grant access to user’s information to the Pakistan Telecommunication Authority. They had demanded the company to give them access to its BlackBerry Enterprise Services (BES). This service encrypts data such as instant messages and email traffic between large companies, military personnel and governments.

Now, the company has announced their previous intentions of leaving the country have been dismissed as the Pakistan Telecommunication Authority and the Pakistan government accepted Blackberry’s stance of not releasing personal encrypted information.
“After productive discussions, the Government of Pakistan has rescinded its shutdown order, and BlackBerry has decided to remain in the Pakistan market,” BlackBerry chief operating officer Marty Beard said in a statement.
Beard added that they were grateful to the Pakistan Telecommunication Authority and the Pakistani government for accepting that BlackBerry could not provide the content of their customers’ BES traffic.
Blackberry faced a similar situation back in 2011 when they refused to grant the Indian with user’s private data. But in that opportunity, Blackberry could not win the battle.
The company was forced to grant the information, at least partially. They allowed the government to surveil Blackberry Messages service used by normal consumers as a condition to stay in the country.
Source: CNN Money