Comet Manx may provide relevant information about Earth’s formation

Scientists found a new comet nearly tailless that cross the edge of the solar system and brought important information about the Earth’s formation.

“I always tell my students that science is 99% hard work, sometimes tedious, because the details really matter,” an astronomer of the University of Hawaii, Karen Meerch said.

The newly found comet Manx may provide key information to better understand Earth’s formation. Credit:

The mentioned new comet was called Manx. It seems that this rock came from the Oort cloud that is a solar system as a cloud of icy bodies.

The study

The researchers analyzed the Manx rock and stated that this rock is the building block of the Earth.

“It is very exciting to know that this rock [S3] is likely a building block of the Earth, or at least of the rocky planets,” said an astronomer at the European Southern Observatory in Garching, Germany, Olivier Hainaut, “We can now study it or other similar ones we are now observing and learn more about the Earth and its formation.”

Scientists believe that in ancient times building rocks came from space and these rocks were pieces of comets that were detached and further land on some place of our planet. The study of those rocks will help us to determine how the universe was born and the content of ice particles.

For example, scientists found that the gravity of the planets kicked rocks against others and that’s the reason from which they enter into Earth’s atmosphere.

There are more that 50 rocks discovered and studied by researchers and scientists which can give us an idea of the formation of solar system. The researchers are currently working to obtain new advanced telescopes which will help us to track these objects and analyze the composition of the same in order to determine how solar system has evolved over time.

Source: CBS

Categories: Science
Maria Eugenia:
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