New desktop platform for Allo, alike Whatsapp Web

Allo is Google's AI-based messaging app. Image Credit: Google

Google released a web platform for its messaging application Allo. Now – starting with Android users, and possibly later with iPhones – they will be allowed to communicate with their phone contacts using the texting service on their computers.

For using Google’s Allo, users will have to meet certain requirements: first of all, they will have to be Android users. They’ll have to connect on Google Chrome, and they will need to download the latest version of Allo (16.0.024) before linking the account.

Allo is Google's AI-based messaging app. Image Credit: GoogleAllo is Google's AI-based messaging app. Image Credit: Google
Allo is Google’s AI-based messaging app. Image Credit: Google

After meeting all these prerequisites, it’s effortless to connect to the Allo website. Android users will only have to tap the third line of the top-left menu of the Allo application, where they’ll find Allo on the web. Next, they’ll need to tap Scan QR code to open the camera and capture at the QR code on the Allo web interface.

It’s the first time Google’s Allo is coming to desktop 

The launch of the website began in February of this year with the declarations of the Google VP of Communications Products, Nick Fox, when he tweeted a screenshot of the Allo web client, who said the site was still in “early” development. Later, in July, the release was announced by Google Allo’s Head of Product, Amit Fulay, who specifically ask the public for a “few more weeks.”

It resembles WhatsApp Web service. But what makes Allo application interesting is the number of stickers found – including those made with selfies -, adjustable texts and short phrases of different sizes, and the capacity to only need a tap to reply in a Gmail-style Smart Reply. As the site explains, Allo “learns if you’re more of a ‘haha’ or ‘lol’ person so the more you use Allo, the more ‘you’ the suggestions become.” They also indicate the website will support iPhone users.

The website is pretty simple. The user’s profile picture, message history, and quick links to contacts they’ve synced with Google’s account will appear on the left side. For messaging someone, the user will only need to tap the desired contact and start a conversation in public or Incognito, exactly as Chrome.

Allo also allows the user to send and receive texts messages (SMS). But, unlike the proper chat, they won’t be able to use any stickers or animations.

Google Assistant supports the app

Allo is connected with Google Assistant, which works like Siri for iPhone, which means that users can find movies or restaurants while they are inside of a chat window on their computers or laptops.

Google Assistant was first announced in May 2016. It started working with Allo and Google Home as a speaker activated by the user’s voice. Later, it opened its range of devices in February 2017. Now, not just Android phones, also the iOS operating system, cars and smart home appliances accept the virtual personal assistant developed by Google.

Source: TechCrunch

Categories: Technology
David Montes:
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