‘Destiny’ trailer shows what is new for April’s update

Bungie has released on Monday the last trailer for Destiny: The Taken King before its April 12 update. The preview video showed the new features and missions that the update brings to the table while offering a tour through the whole quests and strikes among them.

The most outstanding feature could have been the increased Light level, the rating that denotes the defensive and offensive power based on the character’s gear, which is now up to 335, according to the trailer released. Every mission and every quest now lead to the number 335, commented Matt Priestley, Principal Producer.

Bungie released the last trailer for Destiny: The Taken King before its April 12 update. Credit: Xbox Store

Developers also assured that they have made it easier to increase the Light level through multiple sources and not the same old ones. The game covers many different interests, which means there is room for all of them in Destiny, said Victoria Dollbaum, Senior Designer at Bungie.

New prizes and levels of difficulty are shown as well in the Prison of Elders, Court of Oryx, Nightfall strikes and the King’s Fall raid in addition to the Iron Banner and Trials of Osiris events, as reported by Engadget.

The game is just an update and not a full-fledged sequel. This one is coming next year, but it may give some gamers a reason to come back later if they have already burned all available levels in the update.

New gear and personal customization

As the missions get harder, the rewards get better. April’s update comes with a new type of gear called Chroma, which can glow as the player wishes and is able to be activated or deactivated in the game.

The item is described as a “new way to express the lighting in their armors.” It can be customized from the armor to the weapon to show the color that best reflects the gamer’s personality.

“More things to kill, more things to collect and more things to do. There is just more of everything in the game,” added Dollbaum in the trailer.

Source: Engadget

Categories: Technology
Tags: Destiny
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