Donald Trump kicks off his first general election in front of empty seats

Richmond, Virginia- Although many Republicans expected a more moderate speech from his candidate, Donald Trump, after giving a restricted speech on Thursday, the nominee did not moderate his tone on his first rally of his general election.  Without a teleprompter, Trump did not hesitate when he called Hillary Clinton a person who hates President Barack Obama. He considers himself as “the least racist person you’ll see.”, But he repeatedly called Senator Elizabeth Warren “Pocahontas.” As soon as the Republican presidential nominee took the stage Friday night at the Richmond Coliseum- a 12000 capacity sports arena- many people decided to leave the place.

Minutes before Trump spoke to the audience, more than 100 people marched on at the Richmond Coliseum to protest against the Republican nominee, pro-Trump supporters and protestant got in a fight, while the two sides were yelling at each other. Even if some protesters tried to keep the demonstrations peaceful, as was the case with one person who went around passing out flowers,  another group yelled expletives at cops while carrying a sign that read “Anti-Fascism is Self Defense.” Five people were arrested for disorderly conduct outside Trump’s rally.

Although many Republicans expected a more moderate speech from his candidate, Donald Trump, after giving a restricted speech on Thurday, the nominee did not moderate his tone on his first rally of his general election. Photo credit: PopsugarAlthough many Republicans expected a more moderate speech from his candidate, Donald Trump, after giving a restricted speech on Thurday, the nominee did not moderate his tone on his first rally of his general election. Photo credit: Popsugar
Although many Republicans expected a more moderate speech from his candidate, Donald Trump, after giving a restricted speech on Thurday, the nominee did not moderate his tone on his first rally of his general election. Photo credit: Popsugar

Donald Trumps will not change his speech

A lot has been said about Trump’s future as president, if that ever happened. They say that if Trump wins, a lot of immigrants will have to move to Canada, freedom of the press will be over, getting an abortion will be impossible, no more marriage equality, racism will never leave the country etc. There is no doubt that the Republican candidate nominee is very controversial.  Regarding of what he has stated this week, here are some of Donald’s most important declarations:

Before the Faith and Freedom Coalition’s Road to Majority Conference in Washington, Mr. Trump  said “no one should be judged by their race or their color.”  He claims that Trump administration would “restore respect for people of faith.”

Trumps believe that the United States is deeply divided and vowed he’d “bring our nation together.”  One of Trump’s strategies is to build a wall along the southern border and deporting everyone living in the country illegally.

Talking about  Mrs. Clinton’s support for taking in more than 10,000 Syrian refugees, Mr. Trump challenged her by saying “replace her support for increased refugee admissions” with “a new jobs program for our inner cities.”

“Avoiding any discussion of his provocative plan to ban foreign Muslims from entering the country  “We have to temporarily stop this whole thing with what’s going on with refugees where we don’t know where they come from, but we have to take a rest,” “We have to take a timeout. We have to use the money to take care of our poorest Americans and work with them so they can come out of this horrible situation that they’re in,” Mr. Trump said.

Also, he has said that Clinton does not like Obama as people might think. For him, Hillary has hated Obama for years as well as her husband, Bill . Also, he stated that Hillary is only supporting Obama’s policies because she fears prosecution. Trump believes that the United States will die if people decided to choose her.

Hilary Clinton stated that if people wanted Trump as president, he would take the country back to a time when “abortion was illegal women had far fewer options and life for too many women and girls were limited.” Hillary is a big supportive of abortion rights and birth control because national economic growth, Clinton argues. She says: “When Donald Trump says let’s make America great again that is code for let’s take America backward

“When Donald Trump says let’s make America great again that is code for let’s take America backward,” she said.

Since a lot of protesters marched and interrupted Trumps remarks by saying things like “Stop hate! Stop Trump!” and “Refugees are welcome here!” , he made a comment saying that they were rude for interrupting his speech and  these protesters are  professional agitator sent by Democrats, in the Faith & Freedom Coalition’s Read to Majority Conference in Washington Friday.

What Republicans are recently against Donald Trump?

On a CNN interview, Mitt Romney, the 2012 Republican presidential nominee, said that he was very concerned about the “trickle-down racism” Donald Trump might be promoting with his speech.  Regarding Donald Trump’s Mitt, who has been cruising Donald’s Trump candidature, says that  “there’s something in those taxes that’s even worse than shooting someone on Fifth Avenue.”

However, Mitt Romney is not the only Republican, who does not support  Trump.

“Trump’s latest statements, in context with past attacks on Hispanics, women and the disabled like me, make it certain that I cannot and will not support my party’s nominee for president regardless of the political impact on my candidacy or the Republican Party,” said Senator  Mark Kirk.

Source: Daily Mail

Categories: U.S.
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