Who killed Kennedy? Is the Federal Reserve secretly owned by European bankers who control the world? Are cures for some of the worst diseases that claim millions of human lives kept secret in order to profit from never ending treatments? These are dangerous questions and you can find very well thought conspiracies for every single one of them on the internet; most of them absurd, some of them unlikely and there are stories that will make you think twice about life.
Trying to uncover “the truth” on Kennedy’s assassination, exposing money changers (watch Bill still – Money masters) or revealing the secrets of area 51 have obsessed many people, but have not harmed anyone, at least not that is proven. Preventing children from getting a vaccine because of a conspiracy theory is a whole different thing and this trend has caught the attention of famous comedians, politicians and scientists.

Many websites give reasons on why you should not vaccinate your children and the existence of the “anti-vaxxer” movement proves that this kind of information can actually influence people on a major scale. Measles infections were thought eradicated by a vaccine, but in the spring of 2015, the United States saw the first death from this infection. Children are being kept from vaccination and the infection is making its way through these potential hosts.
Dr. Dyan Hes doesn’t accept any patients at her children’s clinic in New York who aren’t up-to-date with their vaccinations.
“I make a promise to my patients that I will do my best to keep their children healthy. So if I have a patient that has cancer or leukemia or any type of immunosuppressive illness and they sit in my waiting room and somebody comes in with measles and my patient dies, then I didn’t keep my oath. That’s how I feel. You need a population to be immunized to protect the people who cannot be immunized,” Dr. Hes said.
Dr. David Robert Grymes, a physicist working on cancer research, explained that a number of conspiracy theories revolve around science. While believing the moon landings were faked may not be harmful, believing misinformation about vaccines can be fatal. However, not every belief in a conspiracy is necessarily wrong – for example, the Snowden revelations confirmed some theories about the activities of the US National Security Agency.
“It is common to dismiss conspiracy theories and their proponents out of hand but I wanted to take the opposite approach, to see how these conspiracies might be possible. To do that, I looked at the vital requirement for a viable conspiracy – secrecy,” Dr. Grymes said.
Dr. Gryme’s equation can tell how long a conspiracy could be kept secret. Mainly based on the amount of people involved, the equation clearly shows that if you want to keep a secret, the number of people and the scale of your plans are going to determine how much time you could work in the shadows. Dr. Grymes hopes that these result will make people reconsider their anti – science believes.
The equation specifically shows how long a plot can be kept secret, but Snowden revelations have not stopped reports on espionage and illegal surveillance by the NSA which proves that not all conspiracies live from secrecy.
Sources: Phys.org