Terri Bevers, 45, was found dead at the Creekside Church of Christ in Midlothian in Texas, U.S., April 18 at 5.am. The police are investigating a man dressed in a fake police SWAT uniform that was walking around the church before the crime occurred.
According to the reports, mum-of-three Terri Bevers arrived at the Creekside Church of Christ in Midlothian –25 miles South West of Dallas, Texas – at 4:18 a.m. on Monday to set up a 5am fitness class. The suspect was seen on cameras for the first time at around 3:50am. Even when the camera also recorded Bever’s entry to the church, it didn’t record the assault, said Midlothian Police Capt. John Spann.

A motion-activated camera showed that before the fitness trainer arrived, an unidentified man was in the building walking around the church dressed up like a police officer on an SWAT-style raid. He had a heavy vest, a heavy helmet and gloves. Across the back and front of the outfit, the word “Police” is emblazoned in white. The police said he appeared to be carrying a tool used to either break windows or force doors.
“You can see him walking through the hallways, and that’s really the only thing we see him doing,” Spann said.
The man intended to look like a police officer, said Monday at a news conference Midlothian Police Chief, Carl Smith. He also considers the whole situation as extremely unusual for the city of Midlothian.
“We have a very safe community. In fact, it’s going to be the first event of my tenure here in almost ten years. Nothing like this happened here before,” he said.
Because of the little information authorities held off the case, they are open to any scenario.
The police found many signs of forced entry, so they are considering that Bevers may have walked into a possible burglary, but church personnel didn’t notice anything missing. Officers also haven’t ruled out that Bevers could have been the victim of a targeted attack. However, the Dallas County medical examiner will determinate what caused Bevers’ tragic death.

The painful statements of Terri’s loved ones
Terri Bevers’ fitness boot-camp students found her death and surrounded by broken glass at 5:00am on Monday. Bevers left three daughters, ages 8, 13 and 15, according to local CBS affiliate.
The victim was a loving mother and loving wife, as her brother-in-law, Chad Tucker described her to the local NBC affiliate. She was also dedicated to taking care of herself, her loved ones and other people.
Terri’s husband, Brandon, told to local channel KDFW that her passion was to transform people lives physically and mentally by leading them into a fitness life.
Oak Farms Dairy, a Texas business, is offering a $10,000 reward for information “leading to the arrest and grand jury indictment” of the murderer of Bevers.
Source: Washington Post