Liam Flanagan, an 8-year-old, passed away on January 21, after battling against a flesh-eating disease during eight days, in Pilot Rock, Oregon.
“It was purplish-red and gangrenous looking. We threw him in the rig and went like hell.” Said Liam’s stepfather, Mr. Scott Hinkle.
Liam battled for his life, being strong and brave as his mother, Ms. Sara Hebard declared. Just like Christin Lipinski’s after her alleged influenza diagnosis, the boy thought he would be in the hospital for a couple of days more and then head home.

Sadly, both of them were infected with the Necrotizing Fasciitis without knowing, and young Liam didn’t have as much luck as Christin did.
Now the boy’s family, also taking care of his brothers, is trying to cope with their loss and expenses.
A fight against all odds
Liam rode down a hill during January 13, on the family’s Spring Creek farm while he was driving his bike on the driveway. The boy wrecked his bike and got a wound on his thigh, near his groin caused by the sliced handlebar. Blood came out the injury, soaking the little boy’s jeans, so his parents took him to the ER nearby Pendleton. In there, a doctor sewed a couple of stitches in his leg and was sent home.
Several days passed and Liam complained about pain in his wound. Ms. Hebard thought treating it with Tylenol would be enough, but the pain got worse. The infection was apparent now, swell looking, so his parents took him to the hospital.
In the local St. Anthony Hospital in Pendleton, Liam was diagnosed with Necrotizing Fasciitis. Doctors spent several hours trying to cut out the infected soft tissue, but Liam had to be transferred to Doernbecher Children’s Hospital, Portland, next morning.
In the Portland Hospital, surgeons tried to save little Liam’s life by amputating parts of his body. Since the infection spreads rapidly, doctors had to keep cutting out muscle from his ankle to his armpit.
“Almost his whole right side was gone. They were cutting and hoping. Cutting and hoping.” Says Ms. Sara.
Finally, doctors decided to transfer Liam to Randall Children’s Hospital on Sunday, hoping another team would help them save the little boy. Unfortunately, Liam didn’t get through the night.
Please be careful and come wearing camo
As Liam’s favorite clothing patter was camo, the organizer of a fundraising event for the family, Joan Harrison, invited people to come over wearing it. The event, just as their GoFundMe Campaign, will take place to help the family cover medical and funeral expenses.
Liam’s parents are being supported by their community, and they want to raise public awareness of the dangers of this disease since the percentage of lives taken by it goes up to a 30%.
Source: Oregon Live