GIPHY launches a big update on Android and iOS and lets you share GIFs everywhere

Today, GIPHY App launched a major update to its Android app for Facebook Messenger sharing service. The update allows users to share their favorite GIFs everywhere. GIPHY also launches on iOS today.

GIPHY is already collaborating with both Twitter and Facebook. Is part of the new GIF feature of Twitter –which lets users search for a GIF and instantly add it to their tweets –and with its GIPHY for Messenger app it gives Facebook Messenger’s users an easier way to share GIFs.

GIPHY is one of the largest and most popular databases for finding GIFs, and it seems like it’s planning to grow bigger. The new update is designed to allow users to find millions of GIFs and share them on Google+ posts, Hangout messages, text messages, via email and pretty much in every social network or chat service.

Today, GIPHY App launched a major update to its Android app for Facebook Messenger sharing service. Photo credit: HackmitToday, GIPHY App launched major update to its Android app for Facebook Messenger sharing service. Photo credit: Hackmit
Today, GIPHY App launched a major update to its Android app for Facebook Messenger sharing service. Photo credit: Hackmit

The new update even lets users save the GIFs in case they want to share them in the future. The app includes GIFs from Drake, Rihanna, Michael Jordan, your favorite cartoons and tv shows, and a lot more. There’s a GIF for every situation, emotion or feeling.

GIPHY also brings search filters so users can search for GIFs that convey specific emotions. GIPHY app it’s already available for free download on Google Play Store. It works with Android 4.0 and higher.

GIPHY’s trajectory and success all over the Internet

With only three years old, GIPHY is currently attracting more than 65 million people every month, which makes it the biggest and more popular platform to search and share GIFs. Companies as Nutmeg and Gifsoup were absorbed by the giant that is now GIPHY in order to keep its dominance over the web.

Looking at the potential of GIFs, companies like Twitter, Facebook, and GIPHY, of course, have been trying to expand their GIF services. GIPHY is making a major effort to expand user-generated GIF, and for that reason it launched a GIFMaker app last October, just a month later, was released the GIPHYCam, which is currently iOS only, but is expected to be released on Android too in the near future.

If GIFs kingdom keeps growing like this, well, who knows? They might be about to take down the crown that emoticons have kept for so long.

The app currently is rolling out in the Play Store, but according to developers, users who already have the Messenger plugin will be upgraded to the new search app automatically.

Source: Android Headlines

Categories: Technology
Adam Kreller:
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