Google Photos offers unlimited storage for Nexus users

In a bold move to benefit their brand, the Google Photos app is set to receive an update that provides unlimited video and photo storage, but only on Nexus devices.

It is the case of update 1.21, which also allows users to store 4K resolution videos and uncompressed high-resolution images of over 16 megapixels.

Google Photos will offer unlimited video and photo storage only on Nexus devices. Credit: Mashable

This is probably due to the next Nexus smartphones featuring 4K video cameras, which will be a major sales point that sets the device apart from competing models.

Google’s improved photo app

Although there is no information about the exact time of release for the update, it seems that the new Google Photos version will also feature different sorting and search alternatives.

This is so users can quickly find their photos on the cloud by pressing Shift-? And thus learning the new navigation shortcuts. Google Photos also features new and better editing options, interactive photo stories, collages, panoramic views and so much more. The app also is reportedly able to perform a smart image search, without the need of labels.

These changes were announced in Google’s blog since the app has gathered a following of an outstanding 200 million users as it reached its first birthday. Photos can now be labeled, searched, compressed, put into albums, edit their time and time zone, and more.

The photo album feature has been one of the most novel functions in Google Photos, since family members can have permission to add and remove photos, providing an ideal environment for uploading your family’s most cherished moments. You can also sit down and use Chromecast to stream your photos and videos to a compatible device.

All of these features are set to be available on both Android, iOS and web platforms.

If you want to go ahead and install the latest Google Photos 1.21 APK (which is not the official Google Play Store release), you can download it right here.

How Google is preparing its Nexus devices

Google has teamed up with Huawei to launch the latest iteration of the Nexus smartphone. The Nexus P6 is said to include Snapdragon 820, 4GB of RAM and Android N, a new operating system produced by Google specifically for mobile devices. Android N is expected to be released in August this year.

But these rumors, even if they seem feasible, leave several open ends. Many argue that it will be HTC instead of Huawei the one responsible for developing the new Nexus models. This is because HTC as previously let out reports that they will release at least two other smartphones that correspond to the Nexus line of products.

One of the most exciting points in the release of the newest Google smartphones is the implementation of Android N.

This new OS is said to include window arrangement, a much better and improved notification bar and faster and easier-to-use interfaces. The notification bar will allow users to respond to messages directly from it and also to silences specific apps’ notifications.

Source: Google Blog

Categories: Technology
Daniel Francis: Guitarist, destroyer of worlds. Columnist at Ultimate-Guitar.com
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