A service dog becomes the very first friend of an autistic 5-year-old boy, Kainoa Niehaus. After two years waiting for...
The American Academy of Pediatrics released new recommendations regarding how much time children should be exposed to digital...
Researchers studying the medical uses of marijuana have released an image of its active ingredient, THC, affecting the brain’s...
Whole Foods Market store in Detroit is suspected to be linked to two cases of Hepatitis A, according to the Detroit Health...
Georgia – The Center for Disease Control and Prevention annually launches a study surveillance on sexually transmitted...
Georgia – This Tuesday, October 18, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) launched a report that concluded...
A study published Monday in the journal JAMA Internal Medicine revealed that the quality of outpatient care in the United...
Researchers from the University of California San Diego School of Medicine have determined that microbes in the mouth and...
Tasmania, Australia – Researchers from Australia found several health benefits in the milk of Tasmanian devils. The milk...
Researchers determined that children in the U.S. foster care system are more likely to suffer emotional and physical health...