Image credit: Sally Anscombe / Getty Images / CNBC
Adriana Bello on 30th Aug

A new study found the age of newborns’ fathers in the United States has grown several years over the last 40 years. Investigators...

Image Credit: Love That Pet
David Montes on 29th Aug

People are starting to get sick with salmonella, and pet turtles are linked in the majority of cases. It started with three...

Image Credit: The Associated Press
David Montes on 29th Aug

Catastrophic rains are continuing to fall over Houston, flooding not only the streets but establishments and houses, affecting...

Image credit: Shutterstock / The Conversation
David Montes on 29th Aug

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) said on Monday that it would take severe measures after it found that clinics...

Image credit: Fit And Write!
David Montes on 28th Aug

According to a new study, those people who take the long way when they need to lose weight and slim down receive better long-term...

Image credit: Pond5 / Daily Burn

According to a new study, canakinumab injections can prevent heart attacks and lower cancer risks, especially lung cancer....

Image credit:

Several people have received medical care after last Monday’s total solar eclipse. The strange part is that a lot of them...

Image credit: Reuters / The Sun

The popular search engine, Google, now tells users if they might be suffering from clinical depression. All it takes to know...

A component found in yoga mats reduces the chances that women have of getting pregnant. Image credit: Gaia
David Montes on 26th Aug

According to Harvard researchers, a component found in yoga mats reduces the chances that women have of getting pregnant. This is...

Health insurer Aetna accidentally mailed envelopes around the U.S and revealed private data from AIDS patients of various states. Image credit:
David Montes on 25th Aug

Health insurer Aetna accidentally mailed envelopes around the U.S and revealed private data from AIDS patients of various...