“Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them,” the Harry Potter prequel film to be released next year, has been submitted...
San Francisco — On Thursday, scientists from the government informed that 2014’s extreme weather events — like...
Ohio – A teenager from Ohio discovered his true identity when he was unable to validate his Social Security number...
On Thursday, Facebook, Inc. (NASDAQ: FB) announced its new Music Stories feature. This update consists of a posting format...
LONDON — Layla Richards, a baby girl who was diagnosed with Leukemia when she was 3 months old, had her illness reversed...
QUEENSLAND, Australia – A bacterial infection, known as the scarlet fever, that emerged in the 1980s worldwide is...
CALIFORNIA – Our universe as we know it today could be just a “region within an eternally inflating super-region”,...
The antibiotic treatment for sexually transmitted Gonorrhoea, Cefixime, appears to be losing its effectiveness. Nevertheless,...
Cambridge – Andrew Barry a PhD student of the MIT has designed a self-flying drone able to detect obstacles and avoid...
Chicago – Numerous websites are using false scientific evidence to promote an anti-vaccine philosophy, as revealed by a...