Daniel Contreras on 18th Sep

Boulder, Colorado – A new research released with the help of NASA’s scientists and the National Snow and Ice Data...

Gabriela Cardona on 17th Sep

North Carolina – A study published in the journal Conservation Biology suggested that the special conservation and...

Daniel Contreras on 17th Sep

New York – A recent analysis by researchers from the Columbia University (CU) discovered that a collision between two...

Daniel Contreras on 17th Sep

Washington – Air pollution is known to kill about 3.3 million people a year worldwide and the rates could double to 6.6...

Silvia Rojas on 16th Sep

A new report by the World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF) found that marine vertebrate population declined almost by half (49%)...

Silvia Rojas on 16th Sep

Researchers found that under the ice-encrusted surface of Enceladus, the icy moon that orbits Saturn, lays a massive ocean....

Gabriela Cardona on 16th Sep

California – A pair of kayakers almost died on California’s Central Coast after a 40-ton humpback whale launched...

Daniel Contreras on 16th Sep

Norway – As hundreds of people travel every year to Norwegian archipelago Svalbard primary to see polar bears, a photography...

Gabriela Cardona on 15th Sep

Australia – Researchers have discovered that Australia has the longest chain of volcanoes in one continent. It expands...

Silvia Rojas on 15th Sep

Florence, Italy – A recent archeological discovery showed that around 32,000 years ago people ground up oats, and may...