NASA’s New Horizons space exploration team announced its second mission after visiting the Pluto system, aimed for...
Earth’s night sky will host a supermoon lunar eclipse after nearly thirty years. The event is scheduled to take place on...
The NASA Graphics Standards Manual is being published again as part of a Kickstarter’s campaign. The book that contains...
Australia – A new study found that 90% of seabirds eat plastic, as so much waste of the material flows through the...
Washington – Seven months ago, NASA launched an orbiting observatory called Soil Moisture Active Passive (SMAP) into...
ANCHORAGE, Alaska – The recently renamed mountain, Denali, is 10 feet shorter according to the US Geological Survey (USGS),...
According to a study published by the journal Nature Climate Change, hurricanes or tropical cyclones will have higher intensity...
U.S. – Recently NASA revealed a simulating space mission called Hawaii Space Exploration Analog and Simulation (HI-SEAS)...
Woods Hole, Massachusetts – A new research determined the swimming mechanism of jellyfish-like creatures, that use...
California – The US Department of Energy’s SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory has just approved the construction...