Cape Canaveral, Florida – United Launch Alliance successfully launched an Atlas V rocket into space from Cape Canaveral...
California – After the explosion of a Falcon 9 rocket two months ago due to a failed strut, SpaceX has announced to be...
A new study from the University of Washington’s Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation discovered life expectancy...
United Kingdom – Scientists at the University of Edinburgh discovered a protein named BsIA which made possible the...
Iowa – Researchers recently found fossils of a giant scorpion-like animal that used to live under the seas hundreds...
An astonishing total lunar eclipse is expected to take place on September 27, as the Moon passes directly behind the Earth...
Kazakhstan – Andreas Mogensen is about to become the first Danish astronaut to go to space and visit a space station...
One of the greatest minds of all times, Dr. Stephen Hawking, gave important information about black holes to the science...
Nevada – The Nevada Department of Wildlife (NDOW) has killed a black bear at Lake Tahoe. This is the second fatality...
Paris, France – IBM (NYSE: IBM) formally announced on Friday its collaboration with french agency GENCI. The union...