On Wednesday, the company giant Amazon unveiled the launch of its two new devices, including the Amazon Tap, and Echo Dot. The...
The company giant Google unveiled its latest feature to its Google Photos service on Tuesday, in order to improve the user’s...
Redwood City, California – Meta, the creator of a new augmented reality system, has begun taking pre-orders for Meta 2...
ACM, the Association for Computing Machinery has awarded two cryptographers with a $1 million prize and the 2015 Turing Award,...
The social network giant Facebook (NASDAQ: FB) has introduced a rather trendy change to its News Feed for users to maximize...
Sweden– Thanks to the 30th anniversary of Happy Meals in Sweden, customers can now enjoy this special happy meal boxes...
REDMOND, Washington – Microsoft is introducing a new Windows 10 feature soon to protect organizations against advanced...
Brazil – Police officers have jailed Diego Dzodan this Tuesday. Mr. Dzodan is Facebook’s Vice president in Latin...
Since Bugatti’s latest car model Veyron went on sale in 2005, the French carmaker unveiled its new high-performance supercar...
Amazon teams up with Brita, the international giant of water optimization, to create a brand new water pitcher that, with...