Daniel Contreras on 13th Jul

Google Hangouts app is no longer fusing text and Hangouts messages, while it now allows users to send video. Google’s new...

Google buys Kifi
Hector Morales on 13th Jul

The details are still blurry, but apparently, Google purchased Kifi desperately trying to make its group platform, Spaces,...

Hector Morales on 13th Jul

Pokémon Go is much more than just a game. The “game” broke the barriers between the digital world and real life...

Rocio Mateos on 12th Jul

New York – Google (NASDAQ: GOOG) announced on Tuesday the launch of the new Showcase Shopping ads, aimed to make it easier...

Twitter GIF size
Hector Morales on 12th Jul

Twitter updated its support page, and it now says the GIF size limit for the web has increased to 15 MB from the old 5 Mb....

Hector Morales on 11th Jul

On July 8, 2016, a spokesman for the German Transport Ministry denied that the federal entity had an ongoing investigation...

Hector Morales on 11th Jul

Despite Google’s best efforts to keep things quite, there are several rumors about its new OS. For a long time it was known...

Daniel Contreras on 10th Jul

Red Dead Redemption has made available for Xbox One users through the backward compatibility feature in the console. The...

Pokemon Go
Hector Morales on 10th Jul

Pokémon Go was released on July 6, and people rushed to the app stores to get it. In fact, the sheer amount of players crashed...

Daniel Francis on 10th Jul

The much-anticipated space station game, ADR1FT, developed by Three One Zero studio will be arriving on Sony consoles next...