Hector Morales on 11th Jul

On July 8, 2016, a spokesman for the German Transport Ministry denied that the federal entity had an ongoing investigation...

Hector Morales on 11th Jul

Despite Google’s best efforts to keep things quite, there are several rumors about its new OS. For a long time it was known...

Daniel Contreras on 10th Jul

Red Dead Redemption has made available for Xbox One users through the backward compatibility feature in the console. The...

Pokemon Go
Hector Morales on 10th Jul

Pokémon Go was released on July 6, and people rushed to the app stores to get it. In fact, the sheer amount of players crashed...

Daniel Francis on 10th Jul

The much-anticipated space station game, ADR1FT, developed by Three One Zero studio will be arriving on Sony consoles next...

Skype chatbots
Daniel Contreras on 10th Jul

Microsoft has added new features to Skype chatbots that include group chats, visual cards, and Bing services. This is part...

Daniel Contreras on 09th Jul

Facebook (NASDAQ: FB) has updated its community standards for Facebook Live, saying it will ban content promoting violence....

Jack Dorsey

Twitter’s co-founder and CEO Jack Dorsey, had his Twitter account hacked on the middle of the night by security group Our...

Rocio Mateos on 08th Jul

Microsoft (NASDAQ: MSFT) announced on Friday that its Project Malmo system, which tests Artificial Intelligence (AI) in the...

Daniel Francis on 08th Jul

A malware known as HummingBad has infected millions of Android phones, causing false advertising, installing unwanted apps,...