Smartwatches revolutionized the technology market when they first appeared, yet limited space on the small screens became...

The Japanese game developer publisher has announced the new Persona 5 date in a live-stream presentation to gamers. Also,...

Apple’s CEO Tim Cook has announced the new partnership between Apple Inc. (NASDAQ:AAPL) and the German software enterprise...

Daniel Francis on 05th May

Los Angeles Police Department broke into an iPhone 5S thanks to a “forensic cellphone expert” who managed to overcome...

Daniel Contreras on 05th May

In the latest app update for smartphones, Netflix Inc (NASDAQ: NFLX) has enabled a new option that allows users to better...

Adam Kreller on 05th May

Siri co-creators and former Apple employees, Dag Kittlaus and Adam Cheyer, are working on a more sophisticated voice assistant...

Adam Kreller on 05th May

Periscope has added a new feature that lets you save replays of live video broadcasts as a reply to Facebook Live, where...

Adam Kreller on 05th May

Vans will be working together with Nintendo to release a line of sneakers that will draw inspiration from some of the company’s...

Daniel Contreras on 05th May

A number of 72.3 million email accounts and credentials from, Gmail, Yahoo, and Outlook are being negotiated by Russian...

Geraldine Chacon on 04th May

Google, as a part of its constant effort to make its services better, is now offering a new feature for its users: Slides...