High temperatures, dry weather, and ravaging winds have originated the Blue Cut fire, one of the greatest fires to ever occur...
In a bold move, Donald Trump has opted for significant changes in his campaign staff. He argues that the changes are aimed...
Florida Senator Marco Rubio made a speech on Friday urging conservative Christian leaders to stop judging the LGBT community. Marco...
A New York Times report revealed that Paul Manafort, Donald Trump‘s presidential campaign manager, was set to receive...
Brian Pearson, a horticulturist from the University of Florida, started a research to find out possible ways to grow fresh...
The American Red Cross stated on July 5 that its blood storage is low, and patients all over the country desperately need...
After heavy rains flooded south Louisiana interstate on Friday, emergency crews have not stopped rescuing people from their...
The deadly shooting of an armed black man by police officers in Milwaukee, Wisconsin has stirred violent protests all over...
A Muslim cleric and his associate were shot to death in Queens on Saturday afternoon. The New York Police Department has...
Louisiana’s governor John Bel Edwards declared the state of emergency after a torrential rainfall slammed Louisiana....