Early Sunday two separate shootings occurred in Austin’s Sixth Street district, resulting in the death of a woman in...
An employee at an Iowa lottery retailer is charged with stealing a winning $250,000 instant scratch ticket. Iowa investigators...
The Alabama Parole Board might be granting parole to an old Ku Klux Klansman, Thomas Edwin Blanton Jr., who was imprisoned...
Possible hacks in computers linked to the presidential campaign of Hillary Clinton and other intrusions in Democratic Party...
Illinois – Governor Bruce Rauner signed legislation Friday that decriminalizes possession of smalls amounts of marijuana...
Virginia – A train derailed on Friday morning, injuring one passenger. The other 74 passengers were evacuated. The derailment...
The U.S. Navy will name an oiler ship after Harvey Milk, the first gay person to be elected to a public office in California....
Oakton, Virginia – A Dunkin’ Donuts employee is under investigation after a group of teenagers accused him of giving...
With 32 officers shot and killed in 2016, the National Law Enforcement Officers Memorial Fund released a report showing an...
Donald Trump called on Russia to find the thousands of emails that went missing during Hillary Clinton’s time as Secretary...