New York- Clinton and Sanders continue on the democratic dispute. Brian Fallon, who is Clinton’s press secretary, has said to CNN news that the Clinton campaign has offered Sanders three different debate dates and they have all been rejected.
Hillary Clinton’s campaign who is heading the democratic party has stated that Sanders campaign has rejected different dates for a New York debate. The first mention for a debate was proposed by Bernie Sanders in an interview with the network NBC.
“I would hope very much that as we go into New York State, Secretary Clinton’s home state, that we will have a debate on the important issues facing New York and, in fact, the country. Said democratic candidate Sanders.

Since the “debate challenge,” Clinton and Sanders have entered a PR debate on possible dates for the public encounter. Brian Fallon is Clinton’s national press secretary and on Saturday he told CNN that Clinton has offered three dates to her opponent, the proposed dates were April 4th, 14th, and 15th.
Michael Briggs, who is Sanders campaign spokesman, has issued the matter with a statement that assures that even though they are pleased with the acceptance of the debate, the dates don’t make sense.
“We are very pleased that Secretary Clinton accepted our request, unfortunately, the dates and venues she has proposed don’t make a whole lot of sense. The idea that they want a debate in New York on a night of the NCAA finals is ludicrous, we have proposed other dates” Said Sanders spokesman, Briggs in a statement to CNN.
Both candidate’s campaign managers have also been involved in PR disputes since Sander’s campaign manager wrote a letter to Robby Mook, who is Clinton’s campaign manager. Sander’s manager assured that Clinton’s campaign has denied the opportunity of a real debate.
Latest rumors assure that both of the candidates will achieve the debate on ABC’s morning show Good Morning America, but are yet to be confirmed.
Source: CNN