Boston – on Sunday, democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton proposed $275 billion in federal spending on infrastructure over the next five years, if she is elected president.
At the rally celebrated in Boston’s storied Faneuil Hall on November 25th, her first day back on the campaign trail since Thanksgiving, Clinton said we must start by building strong infrastructure today, to build a strong economy for the future.
The infrastructure proposal represents the biggest portion of Clinton’s economic agenda. $250 billion of the share will be invested by the federal government in crumbling roads, bridges, public transit and airports across the country. An additional $25 billion would fund a national infrastructure bank that would be paid for by a “business tax reform. This is an idea President Barack Obama had in his first term, but that has been blocked repeatedly by congressional Republicans.

“With Hillary Clinton’s spending binge already at a trillion dollars and counting, it’s clear she wants to treat Americans’ tax dollars like every day is Black Friday with no plan to pay the bill. The real reason Hillary Clinton isn’t saying how she’ll pay for her trillion-dollar spending increase is because she knows it means raising taxes on the middle class.” RNC spokesmen Michael Short, care to comment.
The new federal spending would be paid for by closing corporate loopholes, according to Clinton´s campaign, which did not detail which tax breaks would be targeted.
Her campaign also says their infrastructure plans would create “good-paying, middle-class jobs,”. Over the next weeks, Clinton will announce additional proposals which focus on job creation. According to her campaign, Clinton’s focus on these areas is based in studies that show workers in these industries earn around $38,810. This wage is higher than the average American worker.
Furthermore, as part of her infrastructure plan, Clinton also called for Congress to pass the long-time highway bill by the end of the year, and said that she wants Internet in 100 percent of households by 2020.
Clinton has not been alone in calling for more infrastructure spending. Clinton’s firmest opponent for the nomination, Bernie Sanders, Vermont Sen. And former Maryland Gov. has made his own called in spending on infrastructure. Sanders has proposed legislation that would provide more than $1 trillion in new infrastructure spending over the next five years, paid for by raising taxes on the wealthy and corporations.
Source: Huffington Post
I assume all it will flow through the “Clinton Fund”? She is only up to like 1/2 billion?
Wait! Don’t tell me! It’s gonna be for bridges, and “infrastructure” and chit like that, right? You know, “shovel ready” projects. Hey, I know! How about building a pyramid instead! You know, to store wheat and chit like that in. Even better maybe a bunch of little pyramids spread throughout different voter districts and such. You know, to spread around all of those new, temporary government jobs and such.
Oh, yeah, and let’s not forget calking, either. Maybe when those little government pyramids start to fall apart Hillary could initiate a NEW government jobs-creation program where the government hires platoons of pyramid calkers.
But sadly enough, Hillary, Obama tried all of this six years ago. And guess what? We didn’t get squat except for a T-shirt that says: “Another 800 billion in debt!”.
Still, we can’t really blame Hillary for coming up with the same failed plan of spending hundreds of billions of dollars of borrowed money to “create” jobs every Democrat has tried for the last 50 years, now can we? After all, pretty much the ONLY Democrat idea involves a BIG government program financed with LARGE amounts of borrowed dollars. Why would anyone think a Democrat could come up with some other idea besides that one? (Well, yeah, I know; Democrats DO have a couple of other “ideas”: free college and other free chit for everyone, confiscate everybody’s guns except the ones the Democrats use to protect themselves with, and “free” medical care run by the government.)