HPV: A silent disease that could cause cancer in women and men

HPV Virus

The Human papillomavirus is an infection commonly transmitted by sexual interactions that can cause cancer, but it can also be passed from the skin and mucous of an infected person. Those HPV that not provoke cancer cause warts on or around the genitals and anus. HPV is the most common sexually transmitted infection in the U.S.

Over 40 types of HPV can be transmitted through the skin and mucous, and at least 13 types cause cancer, which are called high-risk types. The group of HPV that is related to different types of cancer cause about three percent of all cancer cases in women in the U.S. For American men, it is responsible for at least two percent of all cancer cases.

Over 40 types of HPV can be transmitted through the skin and mucous, and at least 13 types cause cancer. Photo credit: Nutrition ReviewOver 40 types of HPV can be transmitted through the skin and mucous, and at least 13 types cause cancer. Photo credit: Nutrition Review
Over 40 types of HPV can be transmitted through the skin and mucous, and at least 13 types cause cancer. Photo credit: Nutrition Review

Among the cancers related to HPV, there is cervical, vulvar, vaginal, penile, and anal cancer. The Human papillomavirus can also cause mouth and throat cancer, scientifically known as oropharyngeal cancer.

Penile and anal cancer are characteristic in men that had one of the 13 types of HPV that can cause the terminal condition. The other types of cancer are frequent in women that had contracted the disease.

About 79 million Americans currently have HPV, and every year, around 14 million people in the U.S. are infected with the virus, says the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

What it is alarming is that no test can determine the HPV status in person. Apart from the Pap test, the only way to be sure that you have HPV is when the symptoms are evident. People most likely see warts or find out they have cancer before they know they have HPV.

Fortunately, there are tests to know of a person has cancer and people must take these tests every year to prevent the terminal disease and attack the HPV.

HPV and its close connection to cancer

Cervical cancer is one of the most common health problems linked to HPV. Nearly all cervical cancer cases are related to the virus. Thus, it is essential that women test themselves to see if they have this type of cancer as a routine. There is also a test that can determine if the cancer is linked to HPV, called Pap test.

Another common type of cancer in patients with HPV is vaginal cancer. Nearly 75 percent of American cases are related to the virus. The Pap test can also be used to detect this type of cancer.

More than 60 percent of penile cancer cases in America are related to HPV infection, and it is common in men that already have HIV. This type of cancer is most seen in gay men. There is no standard test for this cancer and men should not skip their annual medical check to recognize the symptoms as soon as possible.

A type of cancer provoked by HPV that affects both women and men is anal cancer. Almost 91 percent of the cases in the U.S. are related to HPV. People can take a Pap test to identify the infection early, but regular screening is not recommended in this case. Experts say only people at risk of contracting this type of cancer through HPV should have an often Pap test.

Individuals with HIV, men that have intercourse with other men, women with a history of cervical or vulvar cancer and patients with an organ transplant, are vulnerable to anal cancer by HPV.

Source: Medical Daily 

Categories: Health
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