Insomniac Games has presented 5 new titles, including two VR franchises

The independent developer Insomniac has unveiled plans for two new Virtual Reality (VR) franchises and three new games for Oculus, Playstation and Xbox consoles at the first-ever Insomniac Games media event, which was streamed via Youtube.

Ted Price, president and CEO of Insomniac, said in a Monday publication that the company is currently developing five games simultaneously for 2016. Their flagship creation is called “Federal Rites’, a VR franchise exclusive for the Oculus Rift.

The game occurs on a mystical island with scenarios like jungles and temples. The creative director, Marcus Smith, has described the title as a combination of Zelda’s exploration gameplay and the “all-out combat” offered by God of War.

The independent developer Insomniac has unveiled plans for two new Virtual Reality (VR) franchises and three new games for Oculus, Playstation and Xbox consoles. Photo credit: IGNThe independent developer Insomniac has unveiled plans for two new Virtual Reality (VR) franchises and three new games for Oculus, Playstation and Xbox consoles. Photo credit: IGN
The independent developer Insomniac has unveiled plans for two new Virtual Reality (VR) franchises and three new games for Oculus, Playstation and Xbox consoles. Photo credit: IGN

It will be published on the Oculus Store in fall 2016, said Insomniac in a blog post. However, fans and game analysts can try it, at the Electronic Entertainment (E3) expo that will take place between June 14 and 16 in Los Angeles.

A second original VR franchise is called Edge of Nowhere, a third-person, action-adventure game. Insomniac describes the story as an expedition that leads across the traitorous mountains of Antarctica. Players will need to scale ice walls and travel into alien caves, engaging themselves in a “psychological thriller”.

Edge of Nowhere, will be available in the Oculus Store on Monday, June 6, said Insomniac on Monday. Pricing has not been announced yet, but details will be published soon, added the game developer.

Insomniac is also developing three new titles for Oculus, Xbox, and Playstation consoles

A new game called The Unspoken will be released by Insomniac in November 2016. The Oculus Touch-enabled VR action game will take players to “a hidden world of spell-casting and magician’s duels”. It can be played against friends and strangers and it will be available at the E3 expo in June.

Insomniac also announced a partnership with GameSpot, to publish a title called Song of the Deep, a game about a girl who is searching for her father in the depths of the ocean. It is described as a “Metroidvania-style 2D adventure game” and will be available on Tuesday, July 12.

“We’re encouraged by all the positive feedback on the game’s art style, story and soundtrack. Furthermore, a novelization that Chief Creative Officer Brian Hastings has written will appear in Barnes & Noble stores soon.” said Insomniac about Song of the Deep in a media event.

The last title presented was Ratchet & Clank, which will be exclusively available for PS4. A film of the game will also appear on theatres on April 29. Insomniac said that it will take elements from the original version and introduce new stories and a “modernized game play”.

Source: Insomniac Games Inc

Categories: Technology
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