What Insurance Do Entrepreneurs Need?

Sometimes we just don’t want to work for a someone else anymore, it’s a dream that many people have, and if you have an idea for a new business, then why not give it a try?

Across the country people are doing this, in fact, some places in the country are better for it than others. However, while you may have an idea, and done the groundwork for the business, have you thought about other stuff you’ll need, such as insurance?

If you haven’t thought about this yet, we’ve highlighted four of the most important pieces of insurance you’ll need when finally deciding to go it alone.


If you run a business, chances are you’ll need to travel somehow. When this is the case, the most likely form of transport will be by car. Because of this, you’ll need business car insurance, which you can get from places like Unbeatable Car. You’ll need this to ensure you’re covered should anything should happen to you while you’re on the road because without your car, you won’t be able to work.


Having life insurance is something we hear about all the time, but when we’re in employment we probably don’t think about it. This is usually because most employers provide life insurance. However, when working for yourself it’s something you should look into because if anything happens to you, will your family be able to cope without your income? The answer is probably no, but without life insurance, there won’t be anything in place to help them out with the funeral, or after. So, when going it alone this should be one of the first things you look into


If anything should happen to you that puts you out of work for a bit, you’ll need to ensure you’re covered. This is high on the list when it comes to going it alone because you won’t get sick pay when you work for yourself – especially if you’re just starting out and are the only employee.


If you’re working from home then you need to make sure you have home owner’s insurance. Because if anything happens to your home, you won’t have anywhere to work. Chances are you have home insurance anyway, but you should probably get in touch with your provider if you’re working from home, as you may need to make some adjustments. If you’re a hairdresser, for example, this may affect the insurance due to what’s happening in the home on a daily basis.

Of course, there are other things to look into too. But when you’re just starting out, these are the ideal places to begin when it comes to insurance, meaning you, and your family, are secure.

Categories: Editorials
Pablo Luna:
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