On Wednesday, The World Health Organisation (WHO), released the new guidelines for the treatment and prevention of H.I.V, pointing that antiretroviral therapy (ART) should be started as soon as the person is tested positive for H.I.V.
WHO claimed that every infected patient should begin taking an antiretroviral (ARVs), which is a medicine called ‘CD4 count’, as soon as possible instead of waiting for measures of immune system health. The organisation removed all limitations on eligibility for ART among those who are living with the virus. All populations and age groups are now qualified for the treatment.

New Guidelines
In the new guidelines issued by the World Health Organisation , it is recommended that people who is at greater risk of contracting HIV, should be given access to pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) as part of a combined HIV prevention strategy.
PrEP treatment is prescribed for people who do not have HIV but are at substantial risk of getting it. This is important to prevent HIV infectison by taking a pill every day. These medicines can work to keep the virus from establishing a permanent infection, when someone is exposed to HIV through sex or injection drug use.
UNAIDS, the Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS, agree with the new guidelines and cataloged “the use of antiretroviral medicines as a significant step towards improving the lives of people living with HIV and reducing the transmission of the virus.” All Africa reported.
“These new guidelines and recommendations are a highly significant moment in the AIDS response. The medicines and scientific tools now at our disposal provide us with a real opportunity to save millions of lives over the coming years and to end the AIDS epidemic by 2030.” said Michel Sidibé, Executive Director of UNAIDS, as UNAIDS reported.
The WHO guidelines were created with the support of UNAIDS, and have being issued according to the potential evidence that have been revealed over the last year from numerous research. The guidelines are based on data provided by the international randomized clinical trials Temprano and Strategic Timing of Antiretroviral Treatment (START), which discovered compelling evidence of the benefits of introducing ART as soon as possible.
“The data from Temprano and START followed a series of research findings over several years demonstrating the health benefits of starting HIV treatment earlier.” UNAIDS reported.
Source: UNAIDS