Key Technologies that are Driving Artificial Intelligence

Artificial intelligence concepts may sound futuristic. Yet by analyzing and exploring the key technologies that spur it, evaluating the impact of AI today, and understanding AI predictions for the future can give you a clear picture on how much transformation artificial intelligence has brought in the world.

Companies looking forward to scaling their operations should consider incorporating artificial intelligence in their operations. In 2009, understanding the physical robotic applications in the actual world was an easy task. However, industrial robots were restricted and could not interact with humans.

Artificial Intelligence is Different

In recent years, big data has revolutionized the world. With AI you can obtain value from a collection of information by identifying patterns in the data to augment the decision making procedure. This results in an AI-based decision-making process that is influencing almost all facets of life.

Today, retailers can tailor make their products, enhance product design, desirability, delivery, and make customer recommendations better. In the medical field, AI is assisting professionals in diagnosing and treating diseases early enough. Many times, diagnosis is made prior to the onset of symptoms.

Medical experts can also compare numerous test results to identify available treatment options. Artificial intelligence helps fund managers identify opportunities by utilizing data to evaluate statistical models and macroeconomic, and geographical trends.

Judges and lawyers can benefit from AI’s ability to analyze information to facilitate informed decisions. Artificial intelligence is enabling companies in the oil drilling industry to enhance rig safety, drill deeper, and recognize system failures early enough to keep the environment and workers safe.

advanced and modern decision-making process today would otherwise not have been possible without artificial intelligence and the key technologies that are enabling a rapid and more efficient communication, memory processing, and interactions.

Big Data Analytics

Big data analytics is the process of evaluating huge and varying data sets in order to identify patterns, customer preferences, market trends, correlations, and uncover hidden data to facilitate decision making.

Utilizing statistical algorithms, what-if analyses, and predictive models, big data analytic assists companies to design more effective marketing procedures, identify new revenue-generating opportunities, enhance customer service delivery, enhance operational effectiveness, and spur competitive advantage.

Cognitive Computing

Cognitive computing is today used to expedite speech recognition, reasoning, natural language processing, dialog generation, and object recognition. Research conducted by Universal Robots shows that AI and cognitive computing systems will increase in the near future.

Cloud Technologies

With cloud technologies, companies can store unlimited amounts of data. Further, the cloud and artificial intelligence have a symbiotic relationship. The cloud handles the fundamental source of information that augments artificial intelligence networks, and artificial networks augment the cloud with massive data.

Cloud technologies are currently a differentiator and a core competitive advantage driver. Cloud platforms support critical AI foundations including; machine learning, cloud computing, and language processing. If you need these cloud technologies like machine learning, Spell model serving offers much.

Network security

Network security is becoming more critical especially due to the increasing data breach and cyber attack cases happening lately.

As businesses strive to safeguard their customer’s financial and personal information as well as their futures and reputation, AI will help them to identify access and identity management, governance, encryption, unified threat management, risk and compliance, and event, and security information.

Many companies are currently searching for encryption services to safeguard information stored in customer’s gadgets and to utilize customer information in the cloud safely.


Semiconductors are core components in digital capabilities today enabling electronic devices and computers. They have been in existence for long but AI is spurring new semiconductor capabilities and designs.

Through deep learning and machine learning, industry leaders are establishing new strategies of accelerating performance and minimizing data processing power as patterns as opposed to individual bits.


Both small and middle-sized entrepreneurs are committed to adopting advanced technology to enhance their operations. The availability of industrial robots for sale makes it possible for investors to invest in consumer robotics, autonomous vehicles, and warehousing. Universal Robots remains a leader in the provision of advanced industrial robots which can work in collaboration with humans.

Categories: Technology
Pablo Luna:
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