March 3 – Blaine Gibson found the remains of an airplane in a sandbar named Paluma in Mozambique. The remains belong to a Boeing 777 and there is enough evidence to think it is from Flight MH370.
Everything started on March 8, 2014. Flight MH370 was scheduled to depart from Kuala Lumpur to arrive at the international Airport in Beijing. However, less than an hour after leaving the airport, air traffic control lost contact with the plane and military radars tracked the plane as it took a different route. The last time the airplane was positioned was that day at 02:22.

This Wednesday, Blaine Gibson talked to the local press in Mozambique. He said a boat operator took him to a sandbar named Paluma. It was there where Mr. Gibson found a piece of debris with “NO STEP” written on it. The object is thought to be part of the right rail section of Flight MH370.
According to Gibson, at the beginning, all he found was flip flops, cigarette lighters, and the kinds of stuff usually found in beaches. Then, he was called over by “Junior”, the boat operator.
The American adventurer claims to have been looking for the airplane for a long time and finally, he found something. Gibson thought it belonged to a small plane because of its weight.
“I think, ‘Wow, this looks like it’s from an airplane but it looks like it’s from a small airplane because it’s very light and very thin. But I suppose there’s a chance that it could be from the plane or from one of those others.’ he said.
Even if the remains are confirmed to be part of the missing flight, there is still a long way to go before solving the mystery. An ongoing multinational search effort found nothing until July 29, 2015, when a piece of marine debris was confirmed to be a flaperon from the missing airplane.
Source: Miami Herald