Facebook (NASDAQ: FB) is well known for the wit of its CEO Mark Zuckerberg, the 31-year-old man who always uses the same type of clothing because he is a genie that cannot waste energy in deciding what to wear, as psychologists suggested last year after analyzing clothing patterns of Steve Jobs and the Facebook owner. On Sunday, Zuckerberg announced his new year’s resolution and it appears to be very interesting since he explained he wants to create a system of artificial intelligence (AI) for his home.
According to a statement published on his Facebook profile, every year he takes on a personal challenge to learn new things and grow outside his work at Facebook, he added that in previous years he challenged himself to read two books every month, learn Mandarin and meet a new person everyday. In 2016 his challenge will be to build an AI system to run his home and help him with his work, he said the system would be like Jarvis in Iron Man.

“At Facebook I spend a lot of time working with engineers to build new things. Some of the most rewarding work involves getting deep into the details of technical projects. I do this with Internet.org when we discuss the physics of building solar-powered planes and satellites to beam down internet access… But it’s a different kind of rewarding to build things yourself, so this year my personal challenge is to do that”
To build the Artificial Intelligence system he said he will teach technology how to recognize his voice to control things such as music, lights and temperature, also he will teach it to identify his friends with face recognition at the door. He wrote he then wants to teach the AI to notify him when anything is going on in her daughter’s room. What seems more interesting is that he plans to visualize all the data in virtual reality.
The publication that had over 363K likes became viral over the Internet when an user wrote to the Facebook CEO “I keep telling my grand daughters to Date the nerd in school, he may turn out to be a Mark Zuckerberg! Thanks for FB, I’ve reconnected with family and many old friends and classmates.” The young entrepreneur answered in a keen way “Even better would be to encourage them to *be* the nerd in their school so they can be the next successful inventor!”
Over the same day, users asked several questions to Zuckerberg on his Facebook profile and he answered a lot of them, which caused excitement in the community that follows the social network. Among the most popular responses he mentioned that Facebook was building solar-powered planes that look like a 747 to give internet to entire cities.
He also wrote that some people are afraid of artificial intelligence as they think it is a huge danger, however, he added that it could cause much less disasters when comparing it to widespread disease or violence. There is some controversial discussion about the usage of AI worldwide. According to Stephen Hawking and Bill Gates humans should learn how to avoid the risks of using it.
Source: Facebook