Paul Allen, philanthropist and Microsoft’s co-founder donate $100 million to Stanford and Tufts universities for bioscience research in the span of 10 years. The funding will help universities create new research facilities.
The investor, philanthropist, musician and innovator Allen is granting universities and also individual scientists with the investment to finding alternative methods of tissue regeneration, brain circuitry, gene editing and antibiotic resistance. Microsoft co-founder believes bioscience is a major implication in the human race.

Allen said his commitment grew out of the realization that the biological sciences are at a critical point in history. The philanthropist believes new tools can manipulate DNA, next- generation microscopes can measure and create images of the tiniest parts of living systems. Technology nowadays will allow scientists to take the field in a more quantitative direction.
For the last couple of years, Allen has been a very influential factor in the sponsors field of science. The investor believes that most of the life questions can be solved through data, only if researchers are not afraid of failure that comes with big risks.
The funding comes as a response to Allen’s wish to provide researchers with alternative approaches to the field. Granting science teams with the equipment they need and connecting scientists with engineers, computer scientists, physical scientists, between others.
“What I believe is that this is potentially a game-changer for our understanding of complex biological system”. Said the investor, Paul Allen to the Washington Post.
Allen is part of a large group of tech industry pioneers that are currently developing their fortunes in science advances. Other public figures such as Mark Zuckerberg from Facebook, Sergey Brin from Google have teamed up in the creation of Breakthrough Prizes an award season for scientists in various fields.
Source: Tech Times