Mother charged with murder sought hunting pictures of her daughter

Fayetteville – Jeanie Ditty, a North Carolina mother charged with the murder of her two-year-old child, wanted photos ghost-liked of the deceased girl to create the last picture she would ever have with her, the photographer said.

Sunny Jo, a Pennsylvania-based photographer, provided the superimposed photos of the little girl named Macy and assured he did not have the heart to charge a mother who was grieving the loss of her child.

He commented to be shocked when a local police detective reached out and told him that Ditty had used him to make it appear that she was a mother in mourning, as reported by the Washington Post.

Jeanie Ditty, a North Carolina mother charged with the murder of her two-year-old child, wanted photos ghost-liked of the deceased girl to create the last picture she would ever have with her, the photographer said. Photo credit: Sunny Jo / MetroJeanie Ditty, North Carolina mother charged with the murder of her two-year-old child, wanted photos ghost-liked of the deceased girl to create the last picture she would ever have with her, the photographer said. Photo credit: Sunny Jo / Metro
Jeanie Ditty, a North Carolina mother charged with the murder of her two-year-old child, wanted photos ghost-liked of the deceased girl to create the last picture she would ever have with her, the photographer said. Photo credit: Sunny Jo / Metro

“Doing this was the biggest mistake I have made in my career,” Jo said. “The only good thing was being able to give Macy a voice,” he added.

Ditty, who served as a soldier in the 525th Military Intelligence Brigade based at Fort Bragg, according to the army, was charged with her boyfriend Zachary Earl Keefer with first-degree murder and felony child abuse in Macy’s death, according to the Fayetteville Police Department.

Macy’s death was ruled as a homicide by the medical examiner in charge of her case. The two-year-old suffered injuries that led her to death, among those were head trauma, bruises across her little body and internal injuries, which included a lacerated liver, according to arrest warrants.

An unresponsive child

On December, local police received a call from Cape Fear Valley Medical Center reporting an unresponsive child, police statement said. It was determined by the medical workers there that Macy had suffered from life-threatening injuries that could be linked to child abuse. She died two days later.

The mother reported having called her boyfriend, who is a paramedic, for help due to Macy’s sickness. After Keefer arrived they both said to noticed that the girl was choking on her own vomit and decided to call 911, according to documents cited by the Fayetteville Observer.

Ditty will soon be appointed a public defender, said District Attorney Billy West. There is not definitive decision if the couple will be tried together or separately, West added.

Source: The Washington Post

Categories: U.S.
Tags: Jeanie Ditty
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