Today is the National Dog Day and it is time to remember how much these loyal animals have done for us and society. Every year, August 26, people is encouraged to celebrate with their dogs or to adopt one. But must important, today was declared a national day to bring attention to the wrongs that dogs are suffering and how we can help.
If you want to thank someone for promoting this day, you need to find Colleen Paige. She is a Pet & Family Lifestyle Expert and Animal Advocate. In 2004 she made it possible to call August 26 National Dog Day and she is also behind National Puppy Day.

National Dog Day celebrates all dogs, no matter their breed and their role in someone’s life. But the mission for Paige is to raise awareness regarding the numbers of dogs that need a warm home full of love. There are still lots of dogs on the street or in shelters waiting to find their first family or a new one and this day is about making some good for these loyal friends.
Dogs are selfless and fill our days with love and support, and even if you are not a dog owner or a dog sympathizer, dogs still have done much for you and the human race.
The furry friends have been side by side men since ancient times. Dogs have been there in war times, in peace times, before a tragedy, and after one. They are always putting their lives at risk to help us survive. Dogs are a personal protection, a law enforcement and rescue team, or aid for the physically challenged.
The four-legged animals sniff bombs to prevent catastrophes. They attack those who try to harm us, and they have been there to search and found people after horrible tragedies such as 9/11, Katrina, and many other difficult times. Dogs have always been there for us and today is a day to be there for them.
National Dog Day is against any “breed ban” and stands for those dogs that are tried to be forced to pay for the atrocities they had to endure when they were in the hands of wrong people.
Let’s adopt an make sure a dog will be the happiest animal on Earth
This day is also to encourage people to adopt and not buy a purebred dog, especially if they do not know if the store is supplied by puppy mills, backyard breeders, the internet and newspapers ads.
If there is only space for a furry purebred friend in your heart, you can still adopt. There are purebred rescue facilities and large chain pet stores also host adoption drives for local shelters and rescues. And if you are interested in buying the greatest animal company from a breeder, make sure they are reputable. You can check their license, internet reviews, and local references.

But before adopting, you need to do a research about the breed you are going to bring home, to prevent to do more harm instead of helping.
Paige states in National Dog Day official site that many dogs are abandoned because owners do not know how to deal with the breed, they decided to make part of the family. Or because they were not sure if they were going to have the time and money to take care properly of the animal.
Lots of dogs were originally a Christmas present for a kid that failed to keep their promise of taking care of the furry friend. Others were the cutest thing a person has ever seen until they started to shed too much or bark too much.
Those are the reasons why National Dog Days was created: To keep safe these animals that have giving so much for us and create a global awareness regarding how to save them and take care of them.
Source: National Dog Day