A newborn horse was rescued by firefighters in Fremont

FREMONT – A 6-day-old baby horse was found Sunday on the bottom of a ravine in Fremont’s Morrison Canyon. Local police officers are carrying out an investigation to determine how did the newborn creature end up there.

On Sunday morning, Animal Control officers and firefighters rescued the horse that was trapped in a pool of water. According to Mercury news, the rescuers used equipment that is usually used for humans.

Photo: ABC7 NewsPhoto: ABC7 News
Photo: ABC7 News

The staff have named the baby horse as Valentine because he was found on Valentine’s day. According to a Facebook post from the Fremont Police Department, the baby colt has a broken pelvis, which is very close to an artery. He will be seen by specialists at UC Davis on Tuesday or Wednesday.

Officers told ABC7 News that when they found him he was soaking and shaking. At that point, he was probably in shock since he had two days trapped in the ravine. Fremont Animal Control Officer Sarah Cattaneo said that every time he gets up and lays back down, the fracture rubs against a major artery, which can put him at risk of dying.

According to a statement, the surgery is expected to cost approximately $10,000. That being said, the police department does not have an official method for accepting donations. As a response, a citizen has created a Go Fund Me account for people who want to make a contribution.

“TriCity Animal Shelter is currently caring for him, but he has a broken pelvis and needs surgery as soon as possible. This will cost about $10,000. Please contact TriCity at (510) 790-6640 for more information.” wrote Lisa Dellapietra, who created the initiative.

By Tuesday night, 193 people had already donated $15,233. Jim Rice, who donated $200 said that he hopes that Valentine finds a good home after surgery. Tracy Goff, who donated $100 said Monday that she was really touched by the Valentine’s story and that she hopes he can have a successful surgery and a wonderful life.

Source: Freemont Police Department

Categories: U.S.
Tags: Fremont
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