On Monday night, North Korea launched a rocket to space in order to put another satellite into orbit. Action for which North Korea is now taking heat internationally because many nations’ leaders believe it might kick off a buildup of U.S. missile defense systems in Asia, officials said.
As the government of Kim Jong Un launched its satellite into orbit, the United States and its allies suspect the launch is a cover for Pyongyang’s ballistic missile development. Pyongyang, however, claims the rocket was designed simply to launch the satellite Kwangmyongson-4 into space for scientific purposes.

A tough pill to swallow considering that North Korea’s fourth nuclear test took place early in January. Even though as world leaders prepare for the worst, Kim Jong Un’s desire to make North Korea a nuclear weapons state is a well-known fact. Due to these chain of events, an emergency meeting of the United Nations Security Council was held over the weekend to discuss the possibilities of the launch and which actions could be taken in the worst scenario.
The National Aerospace Development Administration of North Korea spoke enthusiastically in a speech regarding the launch celebrations and the further developing of its aerospace technology in the face of international sanctions.
However, this also initiated a wave of international condemnation to the country and was responsible for the U.N. strong reaction by calling for an emergency meeting. Members of the U.N. Security Council “strongly condemned” the launch and reaffirmed that “a clear threat to international peace and security continues to exist, especially in the context of nuclear test.”
Although further research is necessary to determine whether North Korea’s satellite launch is safe or not, it’s worth knowing that Pyongyang carried out both acts in defiance of international sanctions. The Security Council also vowed to undertake punitive actions against North Korea, announcing plans to “adopt expeditiously a new Security Council resolution with such measures in response to these dangerous and serious violations,” according to a statement read by Venezuela’s ambassador.
Following the alarming events happened over the weekend, the United States and South Korea have agreed to strengthen South Korea’s missile defense systems. On Monday, Beijing also criticized the launch as an unnecessary provocation, resulting in meetings with China and South Korea over security measures.
Members of U.S. Congress also criticized the launch.
“Seven years of underfunding for U.S. missile defense have given our adversaries uncontested opportunity to advance their capabilities. The president must show leadership in squarely facing the growing threats and in adequately funding our military to meet those threats,” Rep. Mac Thornberry, chairman of the House Armed Services Committee, said in a press release.
Source: Reuters