As an annual tradition, President Barack Obama, alongside his family and military veterans and their families, celebrated this year’s 4th of July with a barbecue, a concert, and fireworks.
It has become a tradition for The Obamas to honor military veterans and their families with a celebration at the White House every 4th of July. On previous occasions, the Independence Day party at The White House took place on the White House’s South Lawn. However, because of the inclement weather, the celebration was held indoors. Even so, Obama’s last Independence Day celebration at the White House was a total success on Monday.

Since the beginning of his presidency, President Obama has hosted a party during for the holiday to commemorate the bravery and of those who contributed significantly to the U.S. freedom.
“We all know that our freedoms are dependent on an incredible group of men and women in uniform and their families who look out for us every single day. Some of them are in attendance here today, for those in our military who could not attend, we just want to say how much we admire, respect and appreciate everything you do to fight for our freedom every single day,” President Obama said.
Obama’s closing statement gives Americans food for thought
During his speech, the commandant in chief also referred to the importance of such a date for Americans. According to him, it is not just a matter of a celebration to eat, drink and gaze at the fireworks. It is also an opportunity to feel lucky and proud of what the nation has become with the effort and work of all citizens.
This year’s celebration was held in the White House’s East Room, where veterans and their families were honored with a barbecue, viewing of the fireworks, and performances from Janelle Monáe and Kendrick Lamar.
"That’s what this is all about—serving our men and women in uniform as well as they have served us." —@POTUS:
— The White House (@WhiteHouse) July 3, 2016
The performing of both artists as headliners for Obama’s last patriotic party as US President was highly enjoyed by all attendants, including President Obama, who stated that he has always admired Monáe and Lamar because of their qualities as artists but also as responsible US citizens.
“I have to tell you that these two I’ve gotten a chance to know, and they are both amazing artists and talented and popular and doing great things, but they’re also very conscious about their responsibilities and obligations. And they put in a lot of time and effort on behalf of a lot of causes that are important. We’re really proud of them for that,” said President Obama.
Double celebration for The Obamas
During the holiday, The Obamas and attendants sang “Happy Birthday” to Obama’s elder daughter, Malia.
Malia Obama turned 18 years old and her father, along with artists Monáe and Lamar led the audience to sing “Happy Birthday” to his older daughter.
The Obamas had thus double celebration this Fourth of July. It was their country’s birthday, and it was also the birthday of a member of the family. President Obama said that considering the occasion and as part of a father’s job to embarrass his children, he serenaded her in front of the audience. Malia joined his dad on stage to give him a warm celebratory hug.
Happy #FourthOfJuly from @POTUS and @FLOTUS!
— The White House (@WhiteHouse) July 5, 2016
Source: People