Ohio police reveal pictures showing dangers of heroin

Ohio police reveal pictures showing dangers of heroin

Ohio police shared pictures of overdosed adults, a male in the driver’s seat and female in the passenger, with a child in the back.

According to a police report, an officer noticed a Ford Explorer driving erratically, then hitting the brakes as it was getting closer to a stopped school bus that was dropping off children. The officer then approached the driver of the vehicle whom the law enforcement official realized was bobbing his head uncontrollably and speaking incomprehensibly.

The driver, who was later identified as James Acord, told the police official he was taking the front seat passenger, identified as Rhonda Pasek, to the hospital. Photo credit: City of East Liverpool / New York Daily NewsThe driver, who was later identified as James Acord, told the police official he was taking the front seat passenger, identified as Rhonda Pasek, to the hospital. Photo credit: City of East Liverpool / New York Daily News
The driver, who was later identified as James Acord, told the police official he was taking the front seat passenger, identified as Rhonda Pasek, to the hospital. Photo credit: City of East Liverpool / New York Daily News

The driver, who was later identified as James Acord, told the police official he was taking the front seat passenger, identified as Rhonda Pasek, to the hospital. By the time police had approached the driver, Pasek was already passed out. Having noticed that Acord was highly intoxicated with “pin-point pupils,” the police officer reached into the car, turned off the engine and took the keys before the driver could succeed in his attempt to get away. It was at this moment that the officer noticed a little boy in the back seat. The child was later identified as Pasek’s son. The police official reported that Acord eventually passed out as well.

Emergency Medical Services arrived on the scene and administered Narcan to the decaying adults, which is a drug used to reverse the effects of heroin overdose. The two eventually regained consciousness and were taken to the hospital. Acord is charged with operating a vehicle while intoxicated, endangering children and slowing or stopping in a roadway. Pasek is accused of endangering children, public intoxication and not wearing a seat belt. Pasek’s son has been placed in the custody of Columbiana County Children’s Services.

Children are the most affected by their parents’ bad choices

The city stated in a Facebook post that it felt the need to show the detrimental effects of the drug and to be the voice of children who find themselves involved in situations such as this one.

“This child can’t speak for himself but we are hopeful his story can convince another user to think twice about injecting this poison while having a child in their custody,” New York Daily News reported.

The city went on to apologize for displaying such graphic images that could offend members of its community but stated that it was important that the non-drug using public be aware of the effects of such substances that are not only detrimental to one’s health but can also affect others, such as children. The city assured its people that it would continue to fight against the prevalence of the drug in its community until it no longer posed a threat to its members.

The chilling picture is an example of the effects that drugs such as heroin tend to have on its users, who often end up falling victim of addiction and overdose putting their lives in danger, as well as those of the people around them. Hopefully, the image will serve as an effective campaign against the use and abuse of hard drugs.

Source: New York Daily News

Categories: Health
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