Periscope reaches 200 million broadcasts in first anniversary

The Twitter-owned live streaming app, Periscope, has turned one year old on March 26 and announced it reached 200 million broadcasts since its launch. Surprisingly, the team also revealed that the app has over 110 years of live video watched daily in Android and iOS devices.

Periscope has had great advance since its last published numbers, where the company announced that it had more than 40 years of video watched per day. The difference is that the previous release was made in August, exactly five months ago. At this time, the number of years viewed per day is five times what it used to be.

Periscope turned one year old on Monday and reached 200 million broadcasts since its launch. Credit:

“We are proud of what we have built together and we are excited to share just how far we have come,” the Periscope team wrote in a blog post. “For everyone who joined us along the way, we hope this reaffirms that you are a part of something bigger. Thank you for making Periscope a vibrant global community, it means everything to us,” they added.

The team did not address their active users numbers this time, which was 10 million registered accounts and near 1.9 million daily active users, as reported by Fortune. Periscope was named “App of the Year” by Apple in 2015.

The competition

Even though one year may not be much time, it looks like it might as well be one hundred. A lot has changed since the beginning of the broadcasting app, mostly strong competitors have come to surface.

Facebook launched and recently expanded its own live video feature, first only for iPhone users but now available to Android users as well. According to PC Mag, the competition is not going away soon, as CEO Mark Zuckerberg is “obsessed” with the new feature and has made it one of the company’s top priorities.

Another competitor is Meetkat. The Periscope-like app recently announced it is refocusing and changing its business model, mainly due to its competitors.

Periscope does not look too much concerned about competitors, according to its co-founder Kayvon Beykpour in USA Today, live streaming has been around for a while and they were not the first one to do it.

Beykpour said that they do not pay much attention to what other people are doing and that they are just focused on making the best app experience. That more people are getting involved is great, it shows people are taking a broad view of the space, he added.

Source: PC Mag

Categories: Technology
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