New York – The health care provider, Planned Parenthood has decided to get involved in political battles after being involved in disputes with Congressional Republicans, and now is free testing for sexually transmitted diseases.
Planned Parenthood has recently faced criticism by Republicans – over the use of aborted fetuses for medical research – who are threatening to cut off all federal funding to the health services provider. As a response Planned Parenthood has declared Tuesday “National Pink Out Day” in 28 American cities, offering supporters free testing for sexually transmitted diseases. The organization has said to be expecting millions of supporters to rally in the group’s defense.

Several advertisements on the “National Pink Out Day” have been issued on The Washington Post, The New York Times and Politico, defending “reproductive rights” and emphasizing the day’s activities that include providing birth control and cancer screenings – besides testing for sexually transmitted diseases.
Poll Numbers
Two months ago, the Center for Medical Progress released an uncovered video in which some Planned Parenthood employees discussed the use of aborted fetuses in medical research. Now, Republicans from the House have accused the organization of violating the law by selling the fetuses for profit. Moreover, thay have announced the forming of a special committee to investigate more about those issues.
As reported by The New York Times, Planned Parenthood said that the videos were doctored by anti-abortion activists, that the recorded conversations were distorted and that the group does not profit from its cooperation with medical researchers.
Yet the organization has maintained a 54 percent of voters favoring federal funding for them, according to a poll from Reuters.
“Those numbers are news to me […] I haven’t paid any attention to the polls. But am I surprised? Yes. That would explain some of the reasons why the leadership is not committing to defund” said Iowa representative Steve King to the Washington Post.
Source: The New York Times