Queensland – A rare blue slung was caught on video in the Australian Broadbeach last week. The sea slug also known as “blue dragon” or Glaucus atlanticus carries with it deadly venom.
The blue creature is mostly found floating on tropical waters but on Thursday it was captured on video when it was washed into the Australian shore.

Despite its small size, the sea slug is potentially deadly. It eats poisonous animals like the Portuguese Man o’ War, an incredible venomous animal made up of a colony of organisms working together.
After the blue dragon has consumed the Portuguese Man o’ War it picks the most venomous cells for its own use. It also concentrates the venom and stores it for later to use it as a defense mechanism.
The venom is unleashed through its powerful sting. It is agonizingly painful to humans and to most animals.
“I have handled them before and wasn’t stung, but I would not recommend anyone pick them up because they can have a painful sting,” Professor Kylie Pitt, invertebrates expert from Griffith University marine said.
Its deadly sting is not the only curious fact about the creature. Blue dragons swim upside down. Their unique blue patterns are actually its underneath, facing upward making it invisible to predators lurking at the surface of the sea. Its front, a silvery color, is usually facing down to camouflage it from predators looking for it from underwater.
The animals aren’t often seen by humans on the coasts. This is owed to their minuscule size, only 1.2 inches long, and exceptional abilities to blend with the water, besides, they mostly live in the open ocean. Whenever they wash ashore, it’s an accident.
Source: Tech Times