Thousands have taken the streets of different U.S. cities to protest against the results of the presidential elections, which announced Donald Trump as the winning candidate. Though most protests have developed in a peaceful way, several arrests have been reported in some cities, while one person was shot in Portland during a confrontation on Friday night.
Though protesters know they cannot change the outcome of the elections, they believe it is a good way to show their discontent and opposition toward Trump’s victory. The latest round of protests occurred in New York. Demonstrators gathered at Union Square and walked down to the Trump Tower where the now president-elected lives. Demonstrations of discontent have also been expressed in Los Angeles, Portland, Washington D.C. and Chicago.

New York City Protests
About 2000 people marched down Fifth Avenue in Manhattan on Saturday on an anti-trump protest that has been developing nationwide. This would be the 4th day of protests in the City. It has been a peaceful demonstration, and it has been accompanied by the police, which followed the protesters along on foot or by motorcycle. The peopled chanted “love Trumps Hate,” “Hey ho ho, Donald Trump has got to go!”
They understand that the results cannot be undone, but they want to show their rejection of the policies promoted by Trump during the campaign. The now president-elected has said on several occasions that he is resolute about building a big wall between Mexico and the United States to keep immigrants out of the country.
“I don’t want to live in a country where my friends aren’t included, and my friends are fearful and my children are going to grow up in a world that is frightening, and my granddaughter can look forward to being excluded from jobs and politics and fulfilling their potential. So I’m here for them,” Leslie Holmes, a website developer living in New York, told USA Today.
Arrests and shootings during anti-trump protests
The manifestations have also been present in other cities of the US territory since Tuesday’s elections. In Portland, there were some violent events during the protests. A gunman fired into the air first and later wounded a man in the leg during a confrontation late Friday over the Willamette River. The victim was taken to the hospital for treatment. The police are looking for the suspect and are trying to prove if the confrontation took place because of politics or due to other reasons.
In Los Angeles, about 150 people were arrested in a protest after they failed to disperse in the early hours of Saturday. Around 1000 protesters were marching through the city streets and disrupted traffic. However, they were followed by the police.
It is expected that the protests will continue all over the country in the following days.
Source: USA Today