On Tuesday, American psychiatrists, psychologist, and mental health experts signed a letter warning about Trump’s mental health. They believe that Trumps’ emotional instability is reflected in his speeches and actions, and therefore he is not capable of serving safely as a president.
A lot of people have questioned President Trump’ mental health. The concern has even gotten to the Congress, where representatives have considered proposing legislation that would require a psychiatrist in the White House. As well, NGOs, such as Change.org, have started petitions to remove Trump from the office given his mental condition.

“We fear that too much is at stake to be silent” was stated by the letter signed by 35 mental health experts for the New York Times. “We believe that the grave emotional instability indicated by Mr. Trump’s speech and actions makes him incapable of serving safely as president”, it continued.
Trump is a narcissist and a paranoid
Despite the self-imposed ethic rules that forbids psychiatrists from offering professional opinion regarding public figures they have not personally analyzed, a group of mental health experts – including psychiatrists, psychologists and social workers – have gotten together to sign the letter, which intended to warn about the viability of Trump as a president because of his apparent mental health problems. The experts also called for a full medical and neuropsychiatric evaluation by impartial investigators.
This is not the first time that Trump’s mental stability has been put into question. This month, Representative Ted Lieu, a Californian Democrat, said that he was considering proposing the legislation to have a White House psychiatrist. In December, three prominent psychiatry professors wrote a letter that said that President Trump’s impulsivity, hypersensitivity to criticisms, or insults alongside his inability to distinguish fantasy from reality could serve as an evidence of his mental instability. The letter was published in the Huffington Post.

Another article titled “Temperament Tantrum” was issued by the US News and World Report. In it, a practicing physiologist explained that President Trump has a malignant narcissism, which is characterized by grandiosity, sadism, and antisocial behavior. As well, a Change.org petition started by psychologist John Gartner has been signed by 20,000 people already. The petition calls for Trump to resign because of his mental illness which makes him unfit to perform the duties conferred by the Constitution to a president.
Bad behavior and mental illness are not the same things
The letter was signed by the 35 mental health experts because they consider it a way to warn and protect the country from someone whose mental stability might put the US in a dangerous position.
On the other hand, Allen Frances, a recognized psychiatrist at Duke University School of Medicine, wrote another letter to the New York Times to denounce the attempts of these experts to diagnose President Trump as mentally ill. Frances, who helped write the standard manual of psychiatric disorders, said that bad behavior is not a synonym for mental illness. According to Frances, Trump lacks the distress and impairment needed to diagnose him as mentally ill. However, he said that he must be pointed out for other things such as his pursuit of dictatorial power.
“Psychiatric name-calling is a misguided way of countering Mr. Trump’s attack on democracy,” explained Frances, “he can, and should, be appropriately denounced for his ignorance, incompetence, impulsivity and pursuit of dictatorial powers.”

Are experts using their knowledge as a political weapon?
This is not the first time a person in politics has been pointed out for his mental instability. It occurred, for instance, with Senator Barry Goldwater, the Republican nominee for president in 1964. Even members of the American Psychiatric Association (APA) said that he was “paranoid,” “grossly psychotic,” or “schizophrenic” back then.
However, people might wonder if it is ok for mental experts to give such opinions. Some think that even if they have the rule of not giving such statements about a public person that hasn’t been their patient, that does not mean that they should remain silent. They can share their knowledge for educational purposes.
In Goldwater’s case, he sued and won the case. As a result, the APA developed the Goldwater Rule in 1973. This rule states that even though psychiatrist can discuss mental health issues with the media, it is unethical to diagnose a person they have not examined and whose consent they have not been given to do so. Therefore, it is alright if mental health experts talk about the symptoms of the narcissism or even about Trump’s character, as a person that doesn’t tolerate criticism. However, it would not be quite alright if they say that Trump has narcissistic personality disorders. This way, mental health experts’ knowledge cannot be used as a political weapon.
Diagnosis requires a full examination of the patient, including details of his life and relevant clinical data, which have not been provided by Trump yet.
Source: The New York Times
Being an opinionated pain in the ass does not make you nuts or popular,the problem lies in letting them drive.Trump is a symptom that in spite of his critics may offer a solution or two,hopefully he may out an entire subculture of opportunists and dispense with them maybe even without installing one of his own.They say you get the government that you deserve and boy have we had this coming for a long time.In the long run I think his intentions are genuine.he question is how many worms will be in the new fruit
I can think of two things that will not go well, sawing off the limb that you are standing on and giving a monkey a loaded gun,both are guaranteed to be a problem
The congress should put on their big boy underwear and take away the war powers act as it is too much power to be in the hands of one person
Incredible, I wonder why no one ever challenges the mind credibility of the people like Pelosi, Schumer, and all the other left wing nuts who are actually out of their minds? I guess that the only thing the left wing nuts can do is whine, cry and name call, they are the ones who should be laying on the couch!
Psychiatry and psychology are cults.
There is very little actual science in them and you have to believe in them to work. People spend years and years studying to become one and what do they have to show for it? They can prescribe drugs and give sympathy.
Anyone who uses twitter and facebook must be a narcissist.
Anyone who talks about themselves must be a narcissist.
Any Hollywood liberal who lives in fear of Trump is paranoid.
Fact is, most successful people in any competitive fields (Hollywood, politicians, businessmen, etc) are paranoid and a narcissists.
Did Hillary run for office because she wanted to help people or did she want her name in the history books as the first woman President?
So the Psychiatric code of ethics against spouting public diagnosis against public figures without ever personally ever examining them goes out the window if it’s a conservative in office. The federal licensing board needs to revoke these quacks licenses. They are worse than unmarried marriage counsellors.
Play and have fun. But don’t push too hard or too far – I guarantee you won’t like it.
Wow, the New York times is desperate. Look how long it took them to find these guys, how sad the great has fallen.N.Y.T didn’t print their names.(for good reason) NYT won’t look the same in 4 years,more like SLOAN.
The media is unhinged. It’s overdosed on hate and fear. Double the dosage!
I don’t understand why everyone is ragging on Trump. I mean just because he’s an egotistical, lying, self serving megalomaniac that can’t stand criticism and needs constant attention and praise is no reason to hate him. What’s the worst he could do? If he pushes the red button, I’m sure we’ll get a tweet of explanation. It’s probably something he saw on TV.
as compared to the self hating (his white half) half black narcissist lying sack of horse hockey we just got rid of.
Anyone who is so much brighter and successful than the average guy must be a “whacko.” Right?
In our atmosphere of ‘dumbed-down’ logic/intellect, all the Trump has to do is say, “Oh no, I am not mentally ill, there is no such thing.” His flippant self-diagnosis will become law, chiseled in stone and followed by all.
I don’t understand why everyone is ragging on Trump.
I mean just because he’s an egotistical, lying, self serving megalomaniac that can’t stand criticism and needs constant attention and praise is no reason to hate him. What’s the worst he could do? If he pushes the red button, I’m sure we’ll get a tweet of explanation. It’s probably something he saw on TV.
Jus remember folks this info brought to you by those who wanted to put a pathological liar and power hungry narcissis or a guy completely out of touch with financial reality.
This report is irresponsible and creates unnecessary suffering. If a professional such as a psychiatrist is examining president Trump’s condition, it would be a privacy violation, at least and possibly a criminal act to publicize findings without a court order. The subjective musings of armchair psychiatrists, if they exist, or of reporters making exaggerated claims, only adds to public angst which, I assume, is Ms. Guanipa’s intent.
They left out pathological lair. Which he most surely is.
It is: ” habitual or compulsive lying, pathological lying has been defined as “falsification entirely disproportionate to any discernible end in view, may be extensive and very complicated, and may manifest over a period of years or even a lifetime”.
Add that diagnosis please.
…and Hllary came under sniper fire and Bill never had sex with that woman. STFU
Rich people aren’t mentally ill they are eccentric
I gather these same psychologists signed a letter regarding Barack’s emotional instability regarding his inability to recognize the Islamic roots of work place violence.
Exanimated? Really, editors? If that was on purpose, it doesn’t mean what you think it does. If it was a typo, it was one helluva typo.
Let me guess…
It was split along party lines.
—-According to Frances, Trump lacks the distress and impairment needed to diagnose him as mentally ill.
According to Francis one cannot make or not make such a diagnosis without personally meeting with Trump.
Sounds like the experts pretty much agree with what is wrong with him. It’s just a question of whether it can be called a mental illness, and whether it should.
Since Trump himself does not seem to be suffering, is it right to call that a mental illness?
I don’t know the answer. The problem, mental illness or not, is that he presents a serious danger to the world due to the consequences of his actions as president.
I keep my fingers crossed that those around him are able to prevent him from doing too much damage. Though if he has surrounded himself with yes people only, there might not be.
I’m concerned due to the immense power of the US and it’s President. Had it been about lets say the Canadian PM, It would only be a problem for Canada, not the rest of the World.
Mental illness is a condition; not an outcome. You have a mental illness or not.
There does not have to be a danger of hurting oneself or others; that is a mental illness manifestation in bodily harm; calling for confinement.
These psychologists are suffering from a condition called Liberal Mouth Foam. If they were in control of their thoughts, their actions would be a serious breach of ethics.
It is far past time when”ÏDIOT” should be in the books as an official diagnosis.
Does “Distress and impairment” to other people matter at all?
For reference 9 out of 10 psychs that apply to grad school have something in their application about a traumatic experience when they were young, family member bad touched or abused them, had a friend with serious issues, ECT. Psychs are fucked up people with dark spots on their past and they still do a job. They are just better at covering it up and medicating it. I like natural trump just the way he is.
“…dark stops on their past and they still do a job.” Literally incomprehensible. Just like the Groper-In-Chief. You sir, have found your Tribe.
I’m sure you have cites and statistics to support this nonsensical statement? Thought not.
Psychiatrists are totally incapable of judging whether he’s sane or not. They haven’t a clue and they are incapable of curing any mental condition. In Trump’s case, it doesn’t matter. Whether he’s sane or insane, he is demonstrably incompetent. His recent “mistake” about the terror attack and terror problems Sweden is having is totally unforgivable. It appears that he made a mistake. He mistook the word “Sweden” for a town in Pakistan that also confusingly begins with an “S.” Any American must be as embarrassed as hell to have this bumbling idiot representing their country. Trump is making America a laughing stock.
I didn’t see where President Trump said anything definitive when he made the statement about Sweden. I interpreted it to be about his subject – immigration (which it was). The “terror” word was inserted by those who work daily to whip up the fake news.
Per The Guardian: “Sarah Sanders, the principal deputy press secretary for the White House, told reporters a few minutes BEFORE his tweet that Trump had been ‘referring to a report he had seen the previous night.’ He was talking about rising crime and recent incidents in general, and not referring to a specific incident,”Sanders said. On Friday night, the Fox News host Tucker Carlson presented a segment with the film-maker Ami Horowitz, who claims that the migrants Sweden has accepted are linked to crime. “
Thank goodness there is a practicing physiologist reporting!
It seems all Trump supporters suffer from CRI(Cranial Rectal Inversion). Sure, lots of people have various psychological maladies but claiming that psychiatry and psychology are bogus is so 19th century or maybe even the dark ages that it makes me question their sanity. This guy is the President of the United States for chrissakes. Don’t you think that we the people have the right to question his sanity when he has his finger on the button? He can send thousands of our soldiers to die or send millions to heaven or hell. Have the stupid and uneducated taken over the world?
Get over it. Hillary lost. Trump is your president.
But not for long!!
Dream on. He isn’t going anywhere. 8 years.
Sounds like you’ve managed to make it to the anger and bargaining stage of grief.
he is unstable and dangerous
It’s obvious that Trump is a narcissist. It’s also obvious that his view of the world doesn’t really require truth.
How dare anyone question Trumps mental stability. Now an entire profession is illegitimate because it’s critical of Trump. Trump supporters just can’t accept that he’s incompetent and blast any form of negative observation-sounds like the same outlook Trump has.
I don’t question Trump’s mental stability- I truly believe he lacks EXACTLY that- stability
In a Podesta email, Mrs. Clinton’s Campaign wrote that her election relied upon “an unaware and compliant citizenry.” You are willing to assert, “an entire profesion” supports a “Pulse article ” because you read it. Podesta was right. There are many people willing to believe propaganda, instead of using critical thinking.
How may Americans are taking some sort of prescribed drug for mental health issues. Much of the nation is deemed nuts. And with fake news now comes fake doctors. What a fucking joke this is. Anyone who aspires to be POUS is not normal.
No. These are not fake doctors, they are trained professionals. They are giving a professional opinion. Claiming everything is fake (the new catch word) because you don’t agree with it means nothing unless you have evidence to the contrary. These professionals have evidence. Chumps erratic behavior which we have all witnessed.
Oh, you mean like all fucking mentally ill liberals using the catch word “racist” to describe POTUS Trump supporters. Okay, we get to use fake then. These so-called professionals opinions are like assholes. Everyone has one and all liberals are one. You nuts are so pissed that that crook lost, you are besides yourself. Like children throwing tantrums for not getting the sugary ceral they wanted. Obama was a habitual liar and craved the celebrity of being POTUS. But the DNC press let him get away with anything. I love POTUS Trump giving the middle finger to the DNC media everyday. Love it. BTW, there is no more DNC. All you have is fake news, fake journalists and now fake PILL PUSHERS. What’s next? You psychos lost everything. Local, state and federal. You can always leave. God bless POTUS Trump. May his success be America’s success.
You might want to copy and paste this comment a few more times to really make your point.
Makes too much sense, doesn’t it? BTW, can you tell me who is the current leader of what is left of the DNC? I want to inform him/her that their party is defunct.
Looks like you like repeating yourself. This can be a sign of a severe mental illness. I suggest you see a professional.
Have a wonderful paranoid free day and say Hi to your fellow workers at McDonald’s.
Liberalism is a mental disorder. That could explain why I am still waiting to know who leads the imaginary party called the DNC?
Liberalism is not a mental disorder. It is a political philosophy.
It appears your education along with your language skills are somewhat lacking.
Have a wonderful learning day.
What do you call a political party that destroyed itself? Mentally ill!
Or that says it supports LGBT folks while bringing in masses of third world refugees who would throw LGBTs off buildings if they could. I call that mental ill.
Pelosi, Boxer, Feinstein, Sanders, Waters, Frankin, Chucky boy…. All mentally ill. Safe places in college = mentally ill.
“What do you call a political party that destroyed itself? Mentally ill! ”
Please tell me how a political party can be mentally ill. A political party is a collection of people who have a similar philosophy. It is not an organism with a brain. It is impossible for a political party to be mentally ill. Start thinking about what you write.
“Or that says it supports LGBT folks while bringing in masses of third world refugees who would throw LGBTs off buildings if they could. I call that mental ill.”
A total of 38,901 Muslim refugees entered the U.S. in fiscal year 2016, making up almost half (46%) of the nearly 85,000 refugees who entered the country in that period, according to a Pew Research Center analysis of data from the State Department’s Refugee Processing Center.
Again, proof of liberal mental illness.Your stats are fake.
OK mister big mouth. Put your minuscule brain to work and prove the stats are fake. Prove me a liar. I am betting you can’t because all you have is hot air. What is fake is you, your so called 7 figure nest egg, your home in California and your garbage remarks. Don’t be late for your job at McDonalds tonight.
Have you ever known a mentally ill liberal to be rational or to be able to reason. You stats are fake because you are a mentally ill liberal. You are biased off the chart. Thus, fake news and fake stats go hand in hand. You are like the press, no credibility.
Looks like your logic level is a little lower than that of a brick. You saying stupid stuff does not make it true. Looks like you are one of the chumps illegal voters except you are so gullible you were taken in by his lies. A stupid illegal voting yellow belly. Yup, that about describes you.
Unable to prove I’m a liar.
I was not taken in by Obama’s lies. That clown shoe was repudiated in a major way. Trump is here to over correct the damage that fool inflicted.
The only thing you were taken in by was border patrol for being an illegal.
Some People say that most republicans suffer from the same conditions as trump. It tends to be masked as american exceptionalism. These are the folkswho just make up their own reality and rewrite the history in their minds to mask their own wrong doings.
Pelosi, Feinstein, Warren, Sanders, Frankin. Maxine Waters, Wrangle, Chucky…just a few of the whack jobs of the now defunct DNC. No presence at local, state and federal levels go govt. Ask yourselves why….
Psychs professionals? Give me a break! A professional is someone who can DO something. A professional baker can bake bread. A professional dancer can dance. What can a professional psych DO?
First of all there is no such profession as “psych”
Next, there thousands of trained professional psychologist, psychiatrist and mental health counselors who have spent years studying their chosen professions, many a lot longer than bakers or dancers study.
If you really want to know where their success lies, and I doubt you do want to know for the truth would require you to change your paradigm, then go talk to some of the millions of people in this country that have been help by these people and now carry on successful lives.
You thinking something is true does not make it true. A lesson the chump needs to learn.
Mental health, and all these disciplines like psychologists are all a joke anyways. There is no real science behind any of it. How can you objectively judge someone’s mental health when there is no objective definition of what is right or wrong? opinion surfaces to fill the void.
You show your poor judgement by condemning a scientific profession as a joke. There is masses of science behind it. However you, as a person who has never studied the subject, has no experience in the profession and has no qualifications in the profession claiming to have some sort of magical knowledge that the profession is fake is a joke.
I’m sorry sir but the only joke in your post is you.
These so-called professionals opinions are like assholes. Everyone has one and all liberals are one. You nuts are so pissed that that crook lost, you are besides yourself. Like children throwing tantrums for not getting the sugary ceral they wanted. Obama was a habitual liar and craved the celebrity of being POTUS. But the DNC press let him get away with anything. I love POTUS Trump giving the middle finger to the DNC media everyday. Love it. BTW, there is no more DNC. All you have is fake news, fake journalists and now fake PILL PUSHERS. God bless POTUS Trump. May his success be America’s success.
The idea that the Groper-In-Chief has the ability to inflict any damage on the left with his 5-grade level babble is unlikely. What’s really happening is that the 75% of eligible voters who didn’t for this whack job are just sitting back incredulously watching and waiting for the inevitable implosion. I doubt he lasts 6 months.
Answer me one question. Who is the current leader of what is left of the DNC?
See, that’s the difference.
While the insecure admirers of the CHEETOTUS are blindly following a serial groper, the left would prefer to be leader-less.
That way we don’t have to sacrifice our integrity the way the right has trashed theirs.
We talking about the now obsolete Bill, Slick Willy, Clinton or Bill Cosby?
So what has any of this rambling nonsense got to do with the mental health profession?
It’s all fake. The DMS5 is fiction designed to enrich the pharmaceutical industry. A scam. You think Gary Cooper took anti depressants? American cultural is so drugged up and turned into pussies that liberals now need safe places. The greatest generation nows see’s the pathetic generation.
And you know this exactly how?
Does your diploma from kindergarten qualify you to make this decisions. Sonny, here is a little lesson for you. Just because you say it does not make it true. You writing such drivel only tells everyone who reads it just how uneducated you are. Enjoy your days work at McDonald’s. I hope it is not too taxing on your brain.
Have a wonderful hamburger slinging day.
Actually retired overseas years ago with a seven figure nest egg. Pelosi, Feinstein, Boxer, Sanders, Frankin, Waters, Warren…. Need we say anything more. You nuts put a confused bi-racial child in charge for 8 years…he proceeded to destroy the DNC, tried to destroy the nation…ended up losing thousands of Democrat Party seats at local, state, and federal. He single handled destroyed the DNC. We now have one party rule. Ask yourself why. Be honest…ask the question. Like who now leads the DNC. I call that total fucking lunacy. And I will bet you most progressives and liberals now popping antidepressants like juju bees.
“Actually retired overseas years ago with a seven figure nest egg”
I wonder where you got your nest egg because it sure wasn’t from having smarts.
Got it. Made your money here then took it out of the country. You do not have the right to say anything about this country. You do not participate anymore and you are just standing on the side lines and shouting abuse. When you bring you so called money back and do something then you can comment.
As for the rest of your garbage. It only belongs in the trash can.
Again, mental illness reveals itself. I need to tell the 8 million American expats they no longer have a country. They need to throw away their U.S. passports. No longer vote absentee. No longer pay state and federal taxes on investment income and the like. Should I sell my home in CA too? Tell me, mentally ill libtard…what are all the ex-pat, POTUS Trump supporters, to do? Run to our safe places? Isn’t that what you little fucking girls do? Run to your safe places because POTUS Trump is now your POTUS. You daisies are something to behold. Pissed to no end. Love it!
Boy, it seems you are incapable of posting anything with out a stream of foul language coming out of your mouth. That only confirms even more the level of intelligence you have and the intellectual level you fail to aspire to.Listen little man, you no longer live in this country. You live somewhere else. All the benefits this country gave you you now spend somewhere. Why am I not surprised by this?
Many people throughout the world think Americans are big mouthed, foul mouthed and totally self centered. With people like you and chump representing this country I’m not surprised. One thing I am pleased about, you don’t live here anymore. That is one piece of garbage gone.
Have a nice life.
God, you mentally ill liberals are the perfect morons to troll. My God! BTW, I live in San Diego, CA. Come visit sometimes, but stay out of my neighborhood. Navy town, U.S.A.
Liberalism is a mental disorder…further proof. Doesn’t the foul words remind you so much of progressives? Akin to the NY Slimes reporter who call FLOTUS a hooker? Maybe Madonna words of wanting to blow up the White House. Hillary’s deplorable remarks? Riots at Berkley to stop free speech, so tolerant.
Oh, for shots and giggles, I am listing recent mentally ill liberal comments made about our POTUS:
Narcissist-in-Chief, Nero, Not My President, Oaf Of Office, OPEC Errand Boy, President BlowMonkey, President Bobblehead, President Coked-up Fratboy, pResident Evil, President Oops, Pretzel Boy, Pretzeldent, Pretzel-Dunce, Psychopath in Chief.
Such tolerance. So mentally ill.
Wow, I didn’t know anyone could put so many words together that mean absolutely nothing. But, given your an illegal voting yellow belly who lives in a mission house in San Diego until the border patrol picks her up only to come back again, it is not surprising.
By the way yellow belly, I’m a true American citizen not an illegal voting yellow belly like you so I will go into any neighborhood I wish. Now get back to your dumpster diving .
“what are all the ex-pat, POTUS Trump supporters, to do? Run to our safe places?” Looks like you have already done it like the yellow belly you are.
What meds do you take? Seriously!
THat the best answer you can come up with? Pathetic.
Not answer; it’s a question. Are you on medication? I bet you are.
I guess you lost your bet. So I guess you are still an all time loser.
More lies. I know you are.65 percent of the adult U.S. population is on medication…you fit the bill to a T.
“I know you are.65 percent of the adult U.S. population is on medication”
Go learn some English grammar. You know nothing of the sort little girl.
You are a drug user. I am guessing prozac. Got that limp dick syndrome too. That is what your wife is telling everyone, anyway.
Having to revert to foul language again because you have run out of lies. Typical of the low IQ and intellect you have. I do not need foul language to make my point.
OK, Studentenviro, what kind of success rate can psychiatrists claim. How many of those discharged from mental hospitals go on to commit social crimes, commit suicide or are readmitted? A science is something that gets predictable results. Dynamite explodes when detonated. Not sometimes. Every time. That’s science. A patient is released from a mental hospital cured? Yeah? You still want to call it science?
What if the dynamite is wet, or the primers aren’t set right? Are you sure dynamite explodes everytime, all the time? #devilsadcovate
DarkEnigma, thank you. You answered your own question. If the dynamite doesn’t go off, and if explosives is a science, you can analyse the situation and find out why. When a mental patient is released from hospital, goes into a school and shoots up a bunch of kids and commits suicide, does the psych know why? Does he folk (misspelling)! He hasn’t a folking (see above) clue!
Yes, that is the basic idea of what I was saying. It has little practical application or predicative ability.
Well little man the prevalence for violence among the mentally ill is exactly the same as the standard population.
” A patient is released from a mental hospital cured? Yeah? You still want to call it science?” No, I don’t want to still call it science. It has always been science.
Here is some information for you from a PEER REVIEWED SCIENTIFIC JOURNAL.
I have given you the full reference so someone as smart as you should know how to find the article and double check it.
Stuart, H. (2003). Violence and mental illness: an overview. World Psychiatry. 2003 Jun; 2(2): 121–124.
First, mental disorders are neither necessary, nor sufficient causes of violence. The major determinants of violence continue to be socio-demographic and socio-economic factors such as being young, male, and of lower socio-economic status.
Second, members of the public undoubtedly exaggerate both the strength of the relationship between major mental disorders and violence, as well as their own personal risk from the severely mentally ill. It is far more likely that people with a serious mental illness will be the victim of violence.
Third, substance abuse appears to be a major determinant of violence and this is true whether it occurs in the context of a concurrent mental illness or not. Those with substance disorders are major contributors to community violence, perhaps accounting for as much as a third of self-reported violent acts, and seven out of every 10 crimes of violence among mentally disordered offenders.
So those factors determine violence rates. Okay sure, and the prevalence is same as general pop. Okay sure. So what is it your profession does? Does it lower the violence rate? Does it prevent these situations? What exactly do you do?
I had basic college classes on it like most people so your wrong right off the bat. I never said it was fake. If you cant predict future outcomes based off the theories than its not really science.
My opinion is just as valid as yours even if you disagree with it.
Totally agree. Psych is a fraud.
The “psychiatrists” who “diagnosed” Goldwater as mentally ill were clearly incompetent and unethical. They used the power of their profession, not to alleviate human misery, but for their own self-aggrandizement.
Of course, Goldwater soon became the archetypical “good conservative” (to the extent that his libertarianism aligned with the Left), as opposed to the “mean, bad” conservatives.
To whatever the extent to which Trump might actually be impaired, the mental health community has already rendered its opinions completely suspect. The Left cannot makes up its mind – is Trump far outside the bounds of normal Republican politics (which would unite the anti-Trump forces), or if Trump is simply the latest manifestation of “Evil Republicans” like John McCain and Mitt Romney.
The answer is that the Groper-In-Chief is a complete nutter. The evil ones are all of those supposed “Christian” conservatives who have sold their souls by enabling behavior they would find abhorrent in any other circumstance. The Left are pretty much all on the same page.
As a mental health professional myself, I was surprised to learn that there was no WH psychiatrist. It’s bigly needed.
Take a Prozac and shut up!
Maybe you should take two, and give your keyboard an appreciated rest.
Antidepressants, the candy of progressives. And safe places.
While I agree that a Psychologist or psychiatric would be good for many government officials Trump is not one. If anything he is a mad genius. He defeated the entire left wing army ,including but not limited to antifia, Blacklives matter, Feminism(all 3 of these groups are hateful bigots and racists at this point, but dems need to own their own) The Democratic Party, Libertarian Party , The NWO, The Leftist controlled media, All the powerful Jews that have sold out on their heritage , The Billion or so Muslims in the world, and so on and so forth. Mr. trumps gets things done. If not for all the Blocking,BSing,Lying the left does he could a lot more done for the good of the average U.S. Citizen. The worst part is the left indoctrinates the young and turns them into a BORG like Hive Mind where they make their drones believe resistance is futile. All I can say is Thank God for CONSERVATIVES!!!!! or else this country would have already been assimilated