Rio de Janeiro – The blue sailing venue ramp of Marina da Gloria partially collapsed Saturday 8 days before the first sailing competence begins at the Rio de Janeiro Olympics. The accident harmed no one, but because this is not the first time Brazil Olympics structures failed, more skepticism rises regardings the constructions made by the host city.
A spokesman for the Rio 2016 sporting event, Philip Wilkinson, said the ramp was destroyed by the high tides and a stormy sea. Wilkinson stated that the ramp would be in 4 days after the company that built it was contacted. The ramp is not permanent and will function as the central access point for boats in the Olympics.

Nonetheless, training will not be affected because a permanent ramp next to the collapsed structure is available for athletes, according to the event’s organizers.
The ramp accident is worrying because the sailing events start on August 8 but Mark Adams, the International Olympic Committee spokesman, said that speculations should not arise because the crash is not “a big deal” because close to the games beginning, things happen.
Local da vela dos Jogos, rampa na Marina da Glória é danificada por ventos fortes.
— Jornal O Globo (@JornalOGlobo) July 30, 2016
The Marina da Gloria repairs are closely followed by the World Sailing. Malcolm Page is the organization spokesmen and said that Saturday’s accident damaged a coach’s boat pontoon. According to Today Online, World Sailing coaches were vigilant and acted prudently when launching and recovering the coach boat.
Low Teo Ping, who was President of Singapore Sailing from 1999 to 2010, stated that the ramps collapse is not affecting Singapore sailors and confirmed they were all safe. Ping is currently the Singapore’s team Chef-de-Mission.
More accidents at the Brazil’s Olympic villa and the current state of emergency of the country threatens the games
For the second time water flooded TV studios on Copacabana Beach and almost affected the edges of the volleyball arena. Workers used wrought-iron boards to contained the waves that were reaching the structure and sand barriers were build around the volleyball grounds to protect the stage.
But the tragic incident that happened in April is the one that started the criticism against the quality of Rio 2016 Olympics. A new elevated bike path went down and killed two people. The way was considered a top legacy project for the Olympics but unfortunately its legacy took the life of 2 innocent people.

According to local media, at least five people were near the path when it crashed down into the sea. The two bodies were recovered from the sea, and one person was rescued.
The bike project, named Tim Maia ciclovia, cost 44.7 million reais, which is around $12.6 million dollars.
Among the preparations for the coming games, a subway extension was built to connect Ipanema and Copacabana beach areas to the suburbs of Barra da Tijuca, where the Olympic Park is located. The subway construction was delayed several times, but it was finally inaugurated on Saturday. People will start using the new transport on August 1, but it will not be opened for everybody.
Only people assisting to the events, with their tickets, athletes and media authorized to cover the games are the ones that can access the new subway line.
Source: ESPN